Race Website
Additional race information can be found at
704 7th Street ( END Avalon Yacht CLub)
Avalon, NJ US 08202
BIB LIST is coming out Thursday.
SWIM START IS 9:00AM. A point to point 1.2 Mile Bay Swim that is a TIME TRIAL START format based on your estimated swim time.. FASTEST swimmers will enter the water first and they will self seed accordingly to your estimated finish time and where you feel most comfortable. The swim course is on the back half of the Cedar Island 5K Swim. This is a great event to familiarize yourself with open water swimming with a group in a protected bay, the surroundings and key site locations on it. Our goal is to provide an opportunity that will give you the confidence for safe and successful swimming events. it feels like an epic training group swim with your friends! Swim buoys are allowed during the event. It is typically wetsuit legal.
The September SWIM START is at the 23rd Street Public Dock on Ocean Drive. From the AYC you exit the club and go to the end of 7th Street and Ocean Drive. Turn right and head south down Ocean Drive until you get to the 23rd Street on the right. We are entering the water at high tide, so you can expect a little push from the current at the end!
Athletes will receive the following items: custom event branded swim cap, chip timing, and an amazing, comfortable, warm, premium TULTEX HOODIE!! Yes, you read that right. A top notch pull over hooded sweatshirt is the give away. If you want another tee shirt, you will have to get it at another event. Wait..there's more! You also get a custom Finish Line towel! Score a tri blend long sleeved tee for a $25 donation. We are a non profit organization and 100% of our proceeds and your donations go to charity.
7:00-8:30AM: Check in at the Avalon Yacht Club. There is NO PARKING at the AYC. Parking is available only for volunteers on the far right side lot. A bib list will be emailed September 19th. Please self body mark your number on your left hand clearly and visible prior to arriving and check in at the AYC. We can also body mark on site. Emergency contact information will be checked prior to picking up your race gear. We have a key and gear drop on site to leave for your post swim needs.
WE WILL HAVE A COMPLIMENTARY SHUTTLE running every 15 minutes, starting at 7:45 until 10:45. Plan your pick up time accordingly to your swim start time. How do I get to the swim start if I do not want to take the shuttle? Have someone drop you at 23rd Street dock after you check in and pick up. The other option is walk (or run) to the swim start. Participants will remain on the 23rd Street area prior to be called to the dock staging area. Things will move quickly so be prepared to jump in the bay. Swimmers will self seed according to swim time when entering the water, seeding the faster swimmers. Do not worry if you are at the end, your time starts once you cross the timing mat prior to entering the water. There is a 60 minute cut off time to complete the swim and finish at the Avalon Yacht Club. Swimmers will exit by swim ladders located on the end of the large floating dock at AYC. There is a big and bright red finish flag on the end of the dock and visible a few 100 meters away. YOU MUST REMOVE YOUR OWN TIMING CHIP ONCE YOU HAVE EXITED UP THE RAMP AT AYC. It is recommended to keep your own time if possible to confirm times. Please be respectful and keep your order upon exit or waiting to climb the ladders.
*DO NOT GATHER AT THE SWIM START DOCK AFTER PICK UP UNTIL 8:45AM. There is no guarded warm up swim. Volunteers will be there with their SUP and kayaks preparing to get on the water for your safety during the swim. Once the dock is cleared, you will self seed by your expected finish times, fastest times on deck on the dock and followed by the times in sequential order.
*8:45AM Seeding Swim Times on the dock : Under 25 Minutes, 26-30 Minutes, 31-39, 40-45 Minutes, 45 plus Minutes. The back bay is nice and wide along the entire course. BE AWARE of conditions on both sides of you. On water safety patrol will be there to guide you under the middle of the 21st Street bridge. BE AWARE of the pilings on both sides of you, as well as potential swimmers next to you. SITE and know your surroundings. DO NOT swim or make other swimmers go into the bridge pilings!! Stay in the middle, there will be room for everyone with the proper seeding times. Once you pass under the bridge you will then swim on the right side of the bay/dock side. Be aware of other potential on water activity besides other swimmers in the event.
We will have awards for the top 5 overall male and female finishers, masters, and grandmasters. NO age group awards. Thank you for joining us for our final open water swim event! Can the summer really be over?
ALL proceeds will go to Step Into Swim - FREE learn how to swim programs across the country.
Come join us for Race #3 in our final event of the TKC open water Summer Swim Series: TRIPLE CROWN. Race #1 is the 1.2 Mile Bay Swim in July and Race #2 is Cedar Island 5K Swim in August. Everyone that completes all three races gets a Triple Crown Award. TC Xterra Mesh bag, TC long sleeved tee and a TC Finisher's Towel. All finish times will be combined for the three events for everyone and the top 5 male and female low net scores will win an additional prize and we will crown an overall Open Water Summer Swim Series Champion.
Race Contact Info
If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.
Swim starts at 23rd Street Public Dock.
There are NO buoys on the course.
Swim dock side on the right side of the bay.
Swim finishes at Avalon Yacht Club.
Most of the guidelines we have implemented this year have involved spreading out our participants on both land and in the water and removing as many touch points as possible. We have tried to stagger the arrival times of our participants so that we do not have large groups of people checking in and swimming at the same time.
Below are some of the key protocols that we have implemented: If you or anyone in your family is sick, please stay home.
If you arrive at the Avalon Yacht Club early, please do not walk up to the check-in area alongside the youth deck before 5:00 pm. Please wait in or by your vehicle in the parking area.
Please prepare yourself to swim before walking up the to the check-in area. We will have a gear drop area for you to place a small bag or backpack with your shoes/sandals, towel, cover up/sweatshirt, water bottle and mask while you swim, but please do not bring any large items with you to the swimming area. Keep all valuables in your vehicles.
Masks must be worn walking from your vehicle to the gear drop area and at check in. You will then be given a disposal mask to be worn in place of your personal one from that moment on: the shuttle to the swim start, and you will remove the mask and dispose of the it just prior to entering the water. Once you complete the swim, exit the water, you will get your finisher’s beach towel. Then go to the drop gear area to collect your things and replace your personal mask back on and wear it until you promptly return to your vehicles. No gathering post swim, please leave as soon as you have your belongings.
Maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from all other athletes and staff members at all times -- both on land AND in the water
If you see multiple people walking up toward the check-in area when you arrive, please wait a few minutes before walking up to help spread things out and maintain social distancing. Follow all posted signs and marked spaces on the ground.
We are implementing a contactless check-in procedure this year. There are no in person registrations. Only entry is on line. There will be no wristbands. A bib number will be posted and emailed to you. You will self-body mark with your number on his/her left hand before arriving at the check-in
tent. Once your bib number has been validated, you will be directed to proceed to the shuttle and to the public dock and enter the water through a dedicated entry chute. Once you finish swimming, you will return to the check-in area through a separate dedicated exit chute where you MUST confirm check-out before leaving.
Please do not stand and gather with other athletes either on land by the check-in area or water access ramp or in the shallow areas of the water at the finish area
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, there will be no complimentary snacks and beverages provided this year. However, you may bring your own food and water bottle, as needed..
Participants are allowed to swim with a personal safety buoy this year. These small inflatable devices provide something for you to hold onto in case of an emergency while swimming in open water and make you more visible to other swimmers, boaters and our lifeguards. Participants are also required to wear the provided swim cap.
While wetsuits are not mandatory, they are STRONGLY recommended.
The swim course is point to point and with the current. There is a 45 minute cut off once you enter the water. The course will be monitored by Avalon Fire and Rescue Squad along with volunteers on paddle boards, kayaks, and wave runners. We will also have an EMT on standby. Should you or a fellow swimmer require assistance while swimming, remove your swim cap and raise your hand above your head. If you hear a long air horn blast at any time while you are swimming, you must swim to the nearest dock and exit the water immediately.
We believe that every athlete should play a role in keeping other athletes, volunteers, staff, and spectators safe at the races. There are four pillars that should guide athlete behavior when we return to racing. They are:
· Athlete responsibility
· Respect for other athletes, volunteers, staff and spectators
· Athlete self-reliance
· Observing rules and athlete etiquette
As an athlete looking out for my safety and the safety of others, I will:
Be Responsible
· Stay home if I am sick or have been in contact with someone that is sick.
· Be Alert! Read all event communication and signage, as it could contain important information on any new procedures and policies. Follow safety instructions of the race director and borough officials.
· Respect physical distancing and look for any visual cues like tape, signage, and chalk that mark where I should stand, and how far apart I should be from others.
· Utilize proper health and hygiene methods for hand washing, hand sanitizing, sneezing, and coughing.
· Wear a face cover when near others at event venues.
· Show-up on time or at my assigned time for activities such as athlete check-in, shuttle, and swim start.
Respect Others
· Avoid spitting or expelling any other bodily fluids near other athletes, volunteers, staff or spectators.
· Give myself and others space!
Be Self-Reliant
· Keep my distance. Give my fellow athletes plenty of space at all times
· Utilize aid stations only when necessary – Touch only what I need and minimize touchpoints and interaction with volunteers and other athletes.
· Minimize my reliance on volunteer assistance
· Encourage friends and family to stay home or spectate safely in low-density zones, observe physical distancing and to stay home if they are sick or feeling unwell.
Observe Athlete Etiquette
· Thank the volunteers! They are out here to help me achieve my dreams.
· Consider the safety of others. I will adhere to best practices to protect others.
· Respect the host community. I am their guest during race week and I will act like it.
· Thank you for doing your part in making sure our return to racing is safe for all.
At Tim Kerr Charities and the Borough of Avalon, we are extremely safety conscious and work hard to both educate and plan for safety on course. These tips are valuable for beginners and a good reminder to experienced athletes that learning never stops.
1. Prepare for Race Conditions
Race day should not be your first open water swim. Make sure some of your training replicates real race conditions, including water temperature, proximity to other swimmers, orientation (includes water clarity, depth, and distance perception) and wearing a wetsuit if needed.
2. Race in Shorter Events
Proper training is the best way to reduce anxiety. It's also a good idea to race shorter distance open water swims, as well as join clinics and club activities to prepare yourself for open water conditions.
For extra guidance, talk to a coach or your local swim or triathlon club.
3. Learn About Course Details
It's important to prepare yourself mentally as well as physically prior to race day. Thoroughly review the race website, event athlete guide, and pre-race communication to familiarize yourself with the course.
Keep in mind that every body of water is different—The race director will educate you on water currents and conditions.
Study the event schedule to plan for proper arrival and preparation.
4. Ensure Heart Health
As an athlete in training, you should take the proper steps to assess your health with your physician.
The American Heart Association offer suggestions for cardiac screening of competitive athletes. These include a physical exam as well as an assessment of your family history and personal heart health, and may include a recommendation of additional diagnostic studies. Wherever you live, we recommend you consult with your physician before you race.
5. Pay Attention to Warning Signs
While training, if you experience chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, light- headedness (dizziness) or blacking out, or have any other medical concerns or symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.
6. Don’t Use New Gear on Race Day
Focus on controlling as many factors as you can on race day.
You should never race in equipment you haven’t trained in—this is not the time to test
new gear.
Make sure your wetsuit fits properly and that your goggles, swim cap and other
accessories work properly.
Prepare for the unexpected with backups of all your gear.
7. Warm Up on Race Day
Arrive early enough on race day for a proper warm-up prior to the start.
If you aren’t able to warm up in the water, which is the case for this training swim,
spend between 5 and 10 minutes loosening up your muscles with arm swings and other gentle movements. A light jog or brisk walk can also help increase circulation and prepare your body to race.
8. Check Out the Course
Get comfortable with the course by checking out water conditions, the swim entry and exit layouts, as well as turn buoy colors and locations, if applicable.
Take part in the official practice swim if one is offered. This provides you an opportunity to get oriented with the swim course.
Identify navigation landmarks such as buildings or landscape features to use for sighting in every direction you’ll be swimming.
9. Start Easy – Relax and Breathe
Follow the race day instructions regarding the swim start format that have been provided in the event athlete guide.
This event is a rolling swim start, time trial. One by one entering the water. Don’t overestimate your ability. Please line up in the appropriate position based on anticipated finish time. Instructions to follow with self-seeding times.
Don’t race at maximum effort from the start - ease into your swim.
Relax and focus on your breathing as you settle into a sustainable pace.
10. Be Alert and Ask for Help
In a race setting always stop at the first sign of a medical problem.
You are allowed to stop or rest at any time during the swim. You can rest with thehelp of the volunteer kayaks, SUP, personal water craft, or even a static object like araft, buoy, or nearby dock.
If you or a fellow athlete needs help, take off your swim cap, raise it above your headand shout for help to alert a volunteer or the Avalon Fire Rescue safety personnel.
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Race Participant Survey
Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.