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Summer of MOVE

Fri June 21 - Sun August 4 Lebanon, NJ 08833 US

Race Website

Additional race information can be found at


Anywhere in the world
Lebanon, NJ US 08833


The #SummerOfMOVE is an interactive, team-based game designed to encourage movement in any capacity, bringing awareness to the many ways in which movement can be fun, inclusive, and communal alongside its health benefits. There is also an important fundraising component to the game that seeks to support "the greater good" within local communities. All proceeds from the challenge be will donated to the winning team's charity of choice. The challenges within the game will challenge your fitness and creativity. This challenge is open to the public...ANYONE can join from ANYWHERE in the world. Together, we can #FreeTheYoke of chronic disease burden. #JoinTheMOVEment!

Visit for more info. 

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