Lap 2
DetermiNation Takes On The World
Completed: 32,761.814
milesGoal: 30,000
milesWe’ve hit our goal 1 time!
Help Fund Our Mission
Raised of $80,000
DetermiNation Takes On The World Ends In
Participants are encouraged to input their mileage each day. You can track your run using one of the many GPS-enabled tracking systems, but you will manually enter your miles using the steps below.
- Click on Track Your Miles below
- Click Submit Your Results
- Look up your registration by name or email
- Click Log Activities
- Input data & submit!
Miles can be backlogged but they must be completed in the July 20 - August 16 time frame. All miles must be logged by August 18th.
Track Your MilesHow the Virtual Challenge Works
We officially kick off the challenge on July 20th. Start logging miles by running, biking, walking, hiking, swimming, paddling, & rollerblading.
You will enter your mileage daily using the instructions to the left.
Our virtual map will be updated with milestones, landmarks, and photos each day.
DetermiNation Takes On The World
DetermiNation Takes On The World is a virtual run across all 7 continents!
Trek solo or assemble a crew. Log your miles by running, walking, hiking, cycling, swimming, paddling, rollerblading and start to chip away at the 25,000+ mile journey. An online map will track the overall virtual progress across the globe and leaderboards will be available.
You have until August 16th to complete the trek.
With ways set up for you to stay connected with your team, a highly engaged Facebook Event, responsive communication, a virtual map updated at the end of each day and more - we make social distancing fun!
Register Now Facebook Event More Race InfoRefer & Be Rewarded!
Invite friends + family to join you on your journey and earn the following rewards:
- Refer 5, receive $20 back on registration
- Refer 11, receive a Custom DetermiNation ball cap
- Refer 16, receive the hat + $35 (total) on registration
All you need to do is share your unique referral link (found in your confirmation email)! You can share the link via email, social media, or text.
Raise Funds & Earn SWAG!
Fundraising is not require for this virtual challenge but is highly encouraged. All funds will benefit the American Cancer Society.
- $250 - Custom DetermiNation Maska
- $500 - Custom DetermiNation Joggers
- $1,000 - Custom DetermiNation Long Sleeve Quarter Zip
- $1,500 - Custom DetermiNation Jacket + Joggers
Our mission is to save lives, celebrate lives, and lead the fight for a world without cancer. While most people know us for our research, we do so much more. We attack cancer from every angle. We promote healthy lifestyles to help you prevent cancer. We research cancer and its causes to find more answers and better treatments. We fight for lifesaving policy changes. We provide everything from emotional support to the latest cancer information for those who have been touched by cancer.
Donate Today