Time Zone:
All times listed here are Eastern Time Zone (your phone may try to be in Central Time Zone and you may need to override it)
Race Check-in and Packet/Swag Pick-up
Prior to each race beginning about 90 minutes before race start.
Closing 30 minutes before race start.
Everyone, including your crew/pacer(s)/guests, will need to sign our waiver.
Race Start
By the Frog Talk dock. Pre-race announcements start 8-10 minutes before each race
Race Schedule (October 11-15, 2023)
NOTE: Due to timing and other requirements, each distance must be started at the time given and completed within the time allowed. Late starts are permitted. However, the runner MUST check in with the timer/Race Director first before starting. Early finishes are also permitted. The runner MUST notify the timer/Race Director and sign out if they are leaving early.
Event Start Time Finish Time
96 hour Wed, 10 am Sun, 10 am
72 hour Thurs, 10 am Sun, 10 am
48 hour Fri, 10 am. Sun, 10 am
36 hour Fri, 9 pm. Sun, 9 am
12 hour DAY Sat, 8 am. Sat, 8 pm
24 hour Sat, 9 am. Sun, 9 am
6 hour Sat, 10 am. Sat, 4 pm
12 hour NIGHT Sat, 9 pm. Sun, 9 am
Campfire each evening — Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat evenings (near the aid station) weather permitting and if someone volunteers to start/manage it.
Lake Activities (except swimming) Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat, 9 am to 6 pm & Sun 9 am to ??
Finisher's Dinner: Sun. 11:30 AM
Recognitions: Sun. 11:45 am — in the lodge
Family time: Sun afternoon 12:30 pm until ?? pm– enjoy the camp and lake
Course Direction Changes:
When you look at the schedule below, you will notice that the course changes direction every 10-12 hours up through Saturday 7 AM. This will provide a very welcome change of scenery, trail camber, and be a big help mentally for you especially "crazy" runners doing the longer events. There is a course verification point at the Start/Finish to help ensure laps are completed correctly each time. Be certain to always cross that mat every time. There should be an audible beep. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH RUNNER TO ENSURE THEY ARE GOING THE CORRECT DIRECTION AND COMPLETE EACH OF THEIR LAPS CORRECTLY FOR IT TO COUNT. When the directional change occurs, you MUST complete the current lap you are on for it to count. Then when you arrive back at the Start/Finish, cross the timing mat, then turn around (you are typically allowed up to 10 minutes), recross the timing mat going the other direction, and viola! You're golden!
There will be directional signs at the Start/Finish that we will change when the direction changes. We strongly advise that you AREN'T sleeping, hanging out in the portable, eating everything in the aid station, or some other time consuming/distracting activity when the directional change occurs. Otherwise you may find yourself going the wrong direction and not get credit for that partial lap. If we find that runners are gaming the system or any other issues arise, we may drop the directional change and continue the rest of the event in a counterclockwise direction. If any of this is unclear in any way, PLEASE talk directly with the timer or the race director (not anyone else) beforehand so we can make sure you completely understand.
Tues – Oct. 10
After 3 pm, Tues night campers may set up
Wed – Oct. 11
8:30 am Check-in open until 9:30 am (Lodge)
9 am Lake open for activities during day (except swimming)
Fishing available if you have a TN fishing license.
10 am 96 hour race START (Clockwise direction)
After 3 pm, Wed night campers may set up
6 pm Campfire (if someone volunteers to start/maintain it)
9 pm Race direction changes (Counterclockwise)
Thur – Oct. 12
8:30 am Check-in open until 9:30 am (Start/Finish Tent)
9 am Lake open for activities during day (except swimming)
9 am Race direction changes (Clockwise)
Fishing available if you have a TN fishing license.
10 am 72 hour race START
After 3 pm, Thurs night campers may set up
6 pm Campfire (if someone volunteers to start/maintain it)
9 pm Race direction changes (Counterclockwise)
Fri – Oct. 13
8:30 am Check-in open until 9:30 am (Start/Finish Tent)
9 am Lake open for activities during day (except swimming)
9 am Race direction changes (Clockwise)
Fishing available if you have a TN fishing license.
10 am 48 hour race START
After 11 am, Fri night campers may set up (and before 7 pm please)
6 pm Campfire (if someone volunteers to start/maintain it)
7:30 pm Check-in open until 8:30 pm (Start/Finish Tent)
8 pm Race direction changes (Counterclockwise)
9 pm 36 hour race START
Sat – Oct. 14
6:30 am Check-in open until 9:30 am (Start/Finish Tent)
7 am Race direction changes (Clockwise)
8 am 12 hour DAY race START
9 am 24 hour race START
9 am Lake open for activities during day (except swimming)
Fishing available if you have a TN fishing license.
10 am 6 hour race START
4 pm END for 6 hour race
5 pm Campfire (if someone volunteers to start/maintain it)
8 pm END for 12 hour DAY race
8-8:30 Check-in for 12 hour NIGHT race (Start/Finish Tent)
9 pm 12 hour NIGHT race START
Sun – Oct. 15
9 am END for 12 hour NIGHT, 24 hour, and 36 hour races
10 am END for 48 hour and 72 hour, and 96 hour races
Time to get showered / cleaned up
11:30 am Finisher's dinner and recognitions (Lodge)
Afternoon enjoy the camp and lake (except swimming)