A Walk to Remember our Fallen
A Walk to Remember our Fallen - Veterans Registration Option
51 Boal Avenue
Boalsburg, PA US 16827
A Soldier’s Hands is a non-profit partner of Carry The Load (CTL). CTL provides active ways to honor and remember our nation’s heroes by connecting Americans to the importance of Memorial Day. Join us as we honor and acknowledge those who lost their lives while defending our country. Walk if able or bring a chair and listen. Together, let's share stories and say their names. Doing so keeps their memory alive. #Whoareyoucarrying
Family pricing available with 3 or more participants.
Schedule of Family Events:
Friday: May 23 from 5-6 pm, packet pick up
Saturday: May 24:
8 A.M. Color Guard: local boy scout troop 380 and sister troop 328, Pledge of Allegiance
8:05 A.M. Pastor Paul McReynolds, National Anthem + opening prayer
8:10 A.M. Welcome and acknowledge our Gold Star families and guests
8:15 A.M. Keynote speaker: Pam Robb, Army Veteran and Patton Township Board of Supervisors, Vice Chair
8:30 A.M. Somber Walk Begins, 6 laps around the museum grounds = 5K.
8:30 A.M. Write a "note from home", create a poppy flower, sign our remembrance board
8:50-9:20 A.M. Nittany Knights Barbershop Chorus - beautifully sings Patriotic songs
9:30 A.M. TAPS performed by High Schooler Hannah Majewski, followed by 21 gun salute: Bellefonte VFW
8:00-9:30 A.M. Veteran organizations ready to offer guidance
Race Contact Info
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