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Vines to Wines 5k

Sun August 23, 2020 Douglassville, PA 19518 US Directions



8:30AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT

1 Mile

8:35AM EDT - 10:00AM EDT

Race Canceled

Good Evening Runners,


We have made the decision to cancel the vines to wines because of lack of sign ups.  your money will be refunded minus processing fee collected  by Run Signup 


227 Levengood Rd
Douglassville, PA US 19518


Sly Fox Track Club & the Manatawny Creek Winery are proud to Present the Annual: 

Vines to Wines 5k!!

Date: Sunday August 23rd, 2020  Time:  8:30AM

Location/Registration: Starts at Manatawny Creek Winery 227 Levengood Road Douglassville PA 19518, Registration/bib pickup at Manatawny Creek Winery beginning at 7:30am Race Day. Starts and Finishes at Manatawny Creek Winery Douglassville. PA

Time: 5k will start promptly @8:30AM and the 1Mile fun run/walk will follow immediately after the 5k start , Day of Registration will open @7:30AM  1Mile Walk 8:35AM

Course: Will  traverse the  EXTREMELY Scenic Grounds of the Winery!! 

RACE AMENITIES:  All runners will receive a Commemorative Themed Finisher's Medal, Tech Shirt and one glass of Wine or a Unique Beer Brewed on site!!

Fees: 5k $25  until 3/1/2020, $35 until 6/1/2020, $40 up to and on Race Day, Walk- $12

Awards:  Top 3 over all Male + Female will receive special awards.  Also, Top 3 in the following age groups: 14 and under 15-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+  There will also be team awards based on time and an award to the team with the most participants

Teams: Teams must consist of at least 5 People (awards will be time based and participant size) Team participants will STILL be eligible for over all awards

For additional information visit the Sly Fox Track FB Page-  Or shot us an Email at

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