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Pink & Teal Challenge

Sat May 10 - Sun May 11, 2025 Rochester, NY 14623 US Directions

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the in-person event really on SATURDAY? Did I read that right?


Yes, your eyes have not deceived you! The in-person portion of the 2025 Pink & Teal Challenge will take place at Monroe Community College on SATURDAY, May 10th. We took a survey of our past participants, and the results indicated that people prefer the event being on Saturday.

Why are you offering a virtual walk and run?


The Breast Cancer Coalition never hesitated to offer a virtual option for the 2025 Pink & Teal Challenge. We recognize that there are several reasons our supporters may want to participate virtually: to avoid large gatherings, to complete their event on their own time schedule, to participate in their event at any geographic location, to support the Coalition even after having moved out of the area, and more!

Virtual participants may complete their event anytime between 5pm on Friday, May 9th and midnight on Sunday, May 11th.


Can I register for the in-person event on event day (Saturday, May 10th)?


There will be NO registration on event day (Saturday, May 10th). To participate at the Pink & Teal Challenge, you MUST register prior. This decision was made to enhance the experience of the participants and the volunteers - Primarily, no long lines!


How do I fundraise for the Breast Cancer Coalition? Can I create a Team?

It's really easy to do! There are two ways to become a Fundraiser. 


If you have NOT registered yet...

1. Click the "Sign Up" button at the top right corner of the website.
2. Go through the registration process. On the 4th page you'll see the fundraiser section, Click the "Become a Fundraiser" button.
3. Fill out your information. Customize your story, photo, goal, headline and so on!


After Registration

1.Sign In to RunSignup
2. Go to your Profile
3. Click My Registered Races
4. Click Manage next to the registration to Manage
5. Click Fundraiser in the left-hand sidebar to begin


If you'd like to JOIN a Team Fundraiser:

1. Finish filling out your info to become a fundraiser (yes, you need to do this even if you are going to be a part of a team!).
2. Scroll through the "Join A Team Fundraiser" drop down box and pick your team.


If you'd like to CREATE a Team Fundraiser:

1. Finish filling out your info to become a fundraiser (yes, you need to do this even if you are going to be a part of a team!).
2. Click the toggle beneath "Create a Team Fundraiser". Follow the steps.


I want to fundraise, but I don't know where to start. What should I do first?


You've come to the right place! We have a  Fundraising Toolkit ready for you, complete with tips for getting started, helpful hints, graphics, & captions - everything you need to get your fundraising started!


What awards will be given out on event day?


BRAGGING RIGHTS and a small token gift for participants in the IN-PERSON Pink & Teal Challenge 5k Run are as follows:
Overall Winner
1st place in each age group* 

There are NO awards for VIRTUAL 5k Run participants, as we are unable to corroborate time and distance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and will gladly switch your registration to the in-person 5k by request. 

*The following Age Groups are eligible for bragging rights & a small token: 5-15 years, 16 - 25 years, 26 - 35 years, 36 - 45 years, 46 - 55 years, 56 - 65years, 65+.

NOTE: The Overall Winner takes the place of the 1st person in their age group. Age Groups are subject to change based on registration numbers.

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