The start line is on La Palma Ave. at the west end of Yorba Regional Park (YRP) just west of the softball fields. The course travels east along YRP on La Palma, crosses Yorba Linda Blvd, and continues along La Palma to the turnaround at the approximate halfway point. The course then doubles back on La Palma, drops down onto the Santa Ana River Trail just before Yorba Linda Blvd., goes under the intersection, and continues west for the remaining approximate 1.5 miles distance to the finish line on the Santa Ana River Trail at the west end of YRP.
NOTE: The La Palma Ave / Yorba Linda Blvd intersection will be closed for approx. 30 minutes to vehicular traffic to allow 10K runners unimpeded crossing. Participants averaging more than 15 min./mi. pace will need to cross the intersection using the pedestrian crossing lights and follow all usual traffic laws and restrictions.