There are 71 exchanges along the 200+ mile course and RUCK4HIT needs approximately 160 volunteers to man those exchanges in order to safely host this relay event. Support is needed at each exchange location throughout Cape Cod. The Exchange Volunteers record the ruckers' times as they hand off to their teammates, provide updates as needed and most importantly, they cheer on all the ruckers! Volunteer with a friend or make it a family event. Come lend your support!

Please complete the online registration form, which includes your T-shirt size (unisex sizing) and then choose your preferred location from the drop-down menu provided. You can sign up for 1-3 exchanges. Please be mindful of a.m. vs. p.m. times and be sure to allow for plenty of driving time between exchanges!
In appreciation of our volunteers, a Volunteer Appreciation Party will be held on Thursday, April 17, 2025 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm at The Coonamessett - 311 Gifford Street, Falmouth MA 02540. Directions to The Coonamessett
More information regarding your specific volunteer role will be emailed upon registration. If you have any volunteer-related questions, please send a note to ruckvolunteers@heroesintransition.org. Event-related questions, please send a note to ruck@heroesintransition.org. General inquiries for Heroes in Transition, please send a note to contact@heroesintransition.org
If there are any questions about where the exchanges are located, please click on this Google Map displaying the entire RUCK4HIT course. Simply click on the Exchange and use the "zoom in" feature to get in close!