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Race to Robie Creek®

Sat April 19, 2025 Boise, ID 83701 US

The Sail Toads

The Legend of the Sail Toad

as told by Robie founder Jon Robertson - Thrive magazine by Dan Kouba, April 15, 2003 issue

"Although Boise City was only a few decades old, old-timers already knew there was something strange about Rocky Canyon. Frightening night-time noises echoed along the steep and rugged rock walls. No one offered an explanation, but locals did admit to seeing fewer small creatures living in the canyon than in other sections of Shaw Mountain Road. Coincidentally, road kill was disappearing at a quick and methodical rate. Who and what was behind it all?
Race to Robie Creek® founder Jon Robertson's father grew up in East Boise in the 1920's and '30's and used to explore Rocky Canyon. He was is search of a legendary buried strong box along with the quest of gold in the creek. Though he didn't strike it rich in the form of nuggets, his find was just as exciting and mind numbing. Within the deep and dark caves of the canyon, the elder Robertson came across a species of rare giant toads. So mysterious were the toads that local zoology professors claimed they knew nothing of the monsters. But local geezers knew the professors were simply appalled at the malformed physical appearance and unspeakable odors these five-pound toads emitted. Who can blame them for being silent?
These huge black toads are carnivorous, and while they don't crawl like most "normal" toads, they gallop, drooling copiously and leaving their foul pong as they close in on unsuspecting prey. Walkers and slow-moving runners are at risk as well as aid station workers. Unsubstantiated rumor has it that over the years some folks have fallen victim, never to be seen at the finish line or race party.
Occasionally one of these toads becomes road kill. If the other toads don't cannibalize the remains, some of these toads get flattened by vehicles and turned into something that looks like a discus. Dried, cured and worked with a rolling pin, the toad discs can be sailed like a Frisbee. Hence, the term "Rocky Canyon Sail Toad."
Robie organizers traditionally have conducted low-key educational efforts among runners and walkers prior to race day. In addition, prospective volunteers wanting to join the race committee are required to sail one of these deceased creatures at least 30 yards."
 The Race to Robie Creek® is organized by the Rocky Canyon Sail Toads, Ink.

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