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Race to Robie Creek®

Sat April 19, 2025 Boise, ID 83701 US

Race Details


RACE START:  Saturday, April 19, 2025 at HIGH NOON (Mountain Time), Fort Boise Park on Scout Lane, Boise.


REGISTRATION:  Online registration begins on Monday, February 17, 2025 at 12:00 p.m. (Mountain Time). Please register on this website. The entry fee for 2025 is $73.00 plus an online fee.  


HEALTH AND SAFETY:  We encourage everyone to follow the applicable CDC Guidelines. If you are not feeling well, you should not attend or participate in any part of the Race


WAIT LIST: After the Race is full, a Waitlist will open. You will be notified by email if a Race Number becomes available. You will have 3 days from the date of the notification to sign up for the Race. Available Race Numbers will be assigned in the order of the Waitlist. There is no cost to join the Waitlist. You may only sign up once for the Waitlist. Waitlist participants may also actively look for registered participants who want to Transfer their Race Numbers.


RACE NUMBER TRANSFERS:  If you are unable to participate in the Race, you may transfer your entry to another person. If you purchase an entry from someone else, the Race Number MUST be transferred into your name to ensure the accuracy of the results. You can transfer your Race Number to another on our website for $10.00 or in person at Packet Pickup on Wednesday, April 16, 2025 for $10.00. For more information, see the Transfer tab on this website.

Online transfers must be completed before 7:00 p.m. on April 16, 2025. NO TRANSFERS after April 16, 2025!  No Race Day Transfers! 

Changes to names on the Race Number or sizes for shirts will be available to those who transfer their entries before March 20, 2025. Participants who have an entry that was transferred online after March 20, 2025, will get the shirt size of the original purchaser and will get a new Race Number without a name issued at Packet Pickup. 


PACKET PICKUP:  You can pick up your Race Number at Packet Pickup at The Basque Center, 601 W. Grove St., (entrance on 6th Street) on Wednesday, April 16, 2025 from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. or at the race start on Saturday, April 19, 2025 beginning at 9:45 a.m. You can pick up a friend's Race Number so long as you have a copy of their Race Number email confirmation.


TIMING:  The Race will be electronically timed, but official results (i.e. awards) will be based on GUN time. Your timing device is attached to your Race Number. Please wear your Race Number on the front outermost of your clothing to ensure accurate timing. Do not bend, crumple, fold, mutilate, or modify your Race Number.


CUT OFF:  We will stop timing the Race at 5:00 p.m. Anyone under the age of 14 or who is not capable of finishing in less than 5 hours is strongly discouraged from running this Race. This is not your typical half marathon. Race officials may pull you from the course at any time for medical, safety, or any other reason.  Please do not enter if you cannot complete this course in 5 hours.  


COURSE:  The 13.1 mile course begins at Fort Boise Park near the softball fields. From the Start, participants will turn right onto Collins Road heading to the VA, turn right on N. Collins Road/South VA Loop, turn right through the access road past the Idaho State Veteran’s Home, turn right on Mountain Cove Road, and turn left onto Reserve Road. Then up Shaw Mountain Road where the road turns to dirt at around 3.5 miles and continues to climb going up Rocky Canyon Road until you reach Aldape Summit. The course turns steeply downhill for the first 2 miles of the descent into Robie Creek drainage and continues to wind downhill and the last mile is paved to the Finish at Robie Creek Park.


AGE LIMIT:  Anyone under the age of 14 is discouraged from entering this Race. There are no awards for participants under the age of 14.


AID STATIONS:  There are 8 Aid Stations supplying water and fruit. Depending on the weather, Gatorade may be served at the start, mile 7 and 10.5.  The “Table of Temptation” is located at approximately mile 8 to “motivate” you to the top of the summit. There will be port-a-potties at the start, on the course, and at the Finish.  Medical assistance will be near the Aid Stations.     

ALCOHOL: The consumption or possession of alcohol or any controlled substance during the Race or on the Race course is prohibited. The Race to Robie Creek® and the Rocky Canyon Sail Toads, Ink. do not condone and expressly prohibit anyone from possessing, consuming, and/or distributing any alcohol or controlled substance at the Start or on the Race course. Individuals found in possession of alcohol or any controlled substance will be asked to leave the Race and may be subject to arrest. Alcohol will be available to those who are over 21 years of age at the Finish and is the only alcohol allowed. Participants should only take fluids and refreshments from the official Race Aid Stations and volunteers located on the course. All individuals are subject to and must abide by the laws of the applicable locality in which they are present. The Race to Robie Creek® reserves the right to disqualify any participant who violates this policy, poses a risk to themselves or others, fails or refuses to follow instructions given by an event official (including event staff, volunteers, medical personnel, fire and police officials, security officers, and any other official), and/or conducts themselves in an unprofessional/discourteous manner.    


MEDICAL:  There will be medical support on the Race course graciously provided by Idaho Mountain Search and Rescue, East Boise County Ambulance District, and Ada County Paramedics. If you need assistance or are unable to finish the Race, please go to the nearest Aid Station.


FINISHERS:  All Race finishers will receive a shirt and keepsake upon reaching the Finish Line. There will be food and drinks provided.


AWARDS:  Awards will be given for the overall top 3 female and male finishers. Age group awards are presented to the top 3 female and male finishers in each age group beginning with ages 14-19 and progressing in 5 year increments thereafter until the ages of 80-99. We also give a Masters Award to the top female and male finisher over the age of 40. All awards are given based on GUN time.


EXTRA CLOTHING:  You can send extra clothing to the Finish in the “Toad Mobile” (truck) which will be parked at the Start area. Please put your extra clothing in a bag marked with your name and contact info and drop it off at the start in the Toad Mobile. There are no changing tents at the Finish. The Race to Robie Creek® and Rocky Canyon Sail Toads, Ink. are not responsible for any items placed in the Toad Mobile or left anywhere on course or at any aid station.


POST RACE PARTY:  There will be music, food, and beverages, including alcoholic beverages for those over 21 at the Post Race Party. We are unable to accommodate all food allergies or special dietary needs.  A limited number of Spectator Bus Passes will be sold at registration if you want to bring a guest to the Post Race Party.  

If you wish to drink alcohol at the Post Race Party, you must obtain a wrist band at the Finish area. Race participants who are over 21 years old may use their own race number with their own correct age as proof of age to obtain a wrist band. All guests with a Spectator Bus Pass and volunteers must prove their age with a valid photo ID in order to obtain a wrist band.  Only 2 alcoholic beverages at a time will be served to each person. Please drink responsibly and have a designated driver. 

At the Finish area there is:



PARKING:  There is NO PARKING AT THE FINISH. We provide shuttle buses for participants and spectators with a Spectator Bus Pass to get in and out of the Finish area to one of our two parking areas. You can park your cars at either Spring Shores Marina or the Idaho Parks and Recreation Lot on Warm Springs Avenue (by Shakespeare).  Spectators must take a shuttle bus from either location to get to the Finish.  We do not provide transportation from the parking areas to the Start of the Race. Please carpool to the parking areas!  For more information, see the Transportation tab on this website.

SPECTATORS:  Anyone wishing to go to the Finish Area must have a valid Spectator Bus Pass in order to board a shuttle bus from either Spring Shores Marina or Idaho Parks and Recreation and partake at the Post Race Party. Race participants, volunteers, and children under the age of 3 do NOT need a Spectator Bus Pass. A limited number of Spectator Bus Passes can be purchased online at the time of registration and are limited to 1 per participantAdditional Spectator Bus Passes can be purchased at Packet Pickup, the Race Start, race morning, beginning at 9:45 a.m.  Spectator Bus Passes are $25.00 and can be purchased when you register.  These passes are always in short supply, and will sell out most likely.   


SHUTTLE BUSES:  Shuttle buses run ONLY between the Finish and the parking areas at Spring Shores Marina and Idaho Parks and Recreation. For more information, see the Transportation tab on this website. 


CHARITIES:  All of the proceeds from the Race to Robie Creek® are donated to our designated charities. In its over forty year history, the Race to Robie Creek® has donated over $1,200,000 to charities! A full list of the charitable donations can be viewed on our website.


SPONSORS and Friends:  The Race to Robie Creek® thanks our major Sponsors and Friends, without whom we could not host this event:  Bandanna Running and Walking, The Basque Center, Boise Brewing, Crystal Geyser, Gatorade, Hayden Beverage Company, Honey Stinger, K- Edge, KPMG, Life’s Kitchen, Mac & Jacks, Meadow Gold, Morrison Knudsen Foundation, New Belgium Brewing, Outlaw Brewing, Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, Pepsi Co. Rizen Creative, Rogue, Shu’s Idaho Running Company, Simplot Food Group, Sockeye Brewing, Saint Agony Brewing, Tates Rents, Treasure Valley Balloon Rides, Treasure Valley Litho, and WinCo Foods!

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