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Race to Save the Harvest

Sat June 28, 2025 Salem, OR 97302 US Directions

About Salem Harvest


Driven by the vision that food is not wasted and fresh fruits and vegetables are available to everyone, Salem Harvest partners with local farms, volunteers, and food distribution agencies to harvest excess produce for hungry families.

Salem Harvest is a non-profit organization with a principal purpose of distributing food without charge to children or homeless, unemployed, elderly or low-income individuals. 

Since 2010 more than four million pounds of fresh, locally-grown fruits and vegetables have been rescued. Salem Harvest volunteers, supporters, and growers have the opportunity to provide direct support for families and individuals throughout the Mid-Willamette Valley.

There are many reasons as to why we are called upon, and for every occurrence, time is of the essence; ripe produce will not stop ripening just for us. The clock is ticking as soon as we are alerted to fresh produce being wasted, and we truly Race to the fields to Save the Harvest.

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