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RefugePoint World Refugee Day 5K

Mon June 17 - Sun June 23



Joshua fled the Congo in 2014 with one wish: to learn piano. After arriving in Nairobi, Kenya, he pursued his passion despite the many challenges he faced as a refugee. “When I heard the melody, that’s when I knew I had to learn how to play… I didn’t even know it could earn me some money or sustain me. I just loved doing it.”


After years of practice, Joshua now works as a piano instructor and performer. “I play in the church on Sundays, and from Monday to Friday,  I teach others how to play here at home. That's what helps me cater to my daily needs.” By marketing his services on Facebook and WhatsApp, and playing at various events around the city, Joshua has amassed a student base in Nairobi that allows him to support his wife and two children. He currently teaches about 20 students regularly out of his home.


RefugePoint’s support has allowed Joshua to build his instructing business and reach financial stability. “In the past, I had students but no piano to teach with… Teaching them at the church was also challenging because I don’t live there... But when [RefugePoint] gave me a piano they started coming here for lessons."


Today, Joshua is giving back to his community by teaching piano to fellow refugees and Kenyans alike. “There are so many people in our community who didn’t get the chance to have a normal education because they were forced to move from one place to another as a result of the war. So it would be good if young people learned different types of skills, like playing the piano, and drum sets; it could help them in life.” Some of his students have even gone on to become paid performers themselves. “When I teach people, they go and play in different places. They make money, even though it may not be much but it helps them,” Joshua said.


Music has allowed him to find safety and stability in his life and share his talent with his community in Nairobi. “What inspires me…? When I wake up and find that everything is okay and my life is okay. I am thankful for that. My current life is very different from my past life. It’s great.”


This World Refugee Day, join RefugePoint in standing with refugees like Joshua, honoring their full stories, and making a tangible impact by participating in our 5K or by giving a gift today.




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