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Zen Squirrel Running Challenge (Virtual)

February 1 - 28, 2025 / Anywhere


Can I walk to meet my mileage goal?  

Yup - for sure! 


You guys are Roadless Races, do I have to run/walk on trails for this challenge?  

Nope, run anywhere - trails, roads, sidewalks, beach, greenways, gravel, a track, on the treadmill in your garage, etc.  Of course, we think trails are the bee's knees and encourage you to explore and discover the tranquility, beauty, and health benefits of running on trails.  But, this is a personal challenge, NOT A RACE.  So, challenge yourself, have fun, and RUN or WALK MORE - that's what this is all about!   


Can I count my normal daily activities as walking miles for this challenge?  

The intent is really what we are going for.  In the spirit of the challenge, you should be intentional with the runs/walks that you record.  If you choose to walk somewhere instead of driving to accumulate some walking miles, yes this counts.  Walking around the house, the office, or grocery store does not count:)    


Do I have to complete all 28 miles on one run?  

No, no, no - ACCUMULATE those miles during the month of February.  Of course, if you want to grind out those miles all in one go, have at it!


What happens if I miss a day of inputting my results?

No problem.  You can input results after every activity, every day, once every few days, etc.  Just make sure the date is correct for each inputted activity.  This is important if you are going for the EVERY DAY CHALLENGE. 



In addition to your main mileage goal of 28+ miles, you may choose to challenge yourself to run or walk EVERY DAY during the month of February.  If you achieve this goal (by logging miles and inputting at least one activity/day during Feb), you will earn a digital badge and an additional item of swag (Zen Squirrel head wrap - different than the one included in your registration).  Woohoo!!!


What happens if I surpass my mileage goal?  

We have set up the results so you can surpass your mileage goal of 28 miles (or whatever you choose).  Run or walk as much as you can during February and if you surpass your mileage goal then 'good on ya' and we will celebrate with you!  


What happens if I do not complete my miles?  

Life happens and sometimes, in spite of our best intentions, we fall short of our goals.  Do your best to meet your mileage goal and if you don't succeed, hey, you gave it your best shot and that's an accomplishment in itself.   FYI - you can always reassess your goals change distances if you like.  See below for details.


I didn't learn about this challenge until after it started on February 1st, can I still participate? 

Absolutely, you have until February 9th to sign up, and you can still log activities from anytime after February 1st.   


How do teams work?

Adventures are more fun with friends so create a team and invite your friends to join you in this challenge. Teams can have up to 10 members.  Track the progress of your teammates and cheer them on!  See how many miles your team can accumulate and compare with other teams entered in the event.  Awards (Zen Squirrel running gloves) will be given to each team member of the TOP FIVE teams with the most overall miles.


NOTE:  This is not a relay so all team members will still be shooting for their individual goal of 28+ total miles.  Again, you may change your mileage goal when you input your results. 


How do I create a team or join a team?

During registration, you will be asked if you would like to create or join a team.  Click yes and follow the instructions.  You can also create or join a team after you register by logging into runsignup, going to your profile, selecting the manage registration link in the Zen Squirrel Running Challenge section under upcoming races, and choosing the groups/teams link in the top navigation.


What are the giveaways all about?

All participants are eligible to win random giveaway prizes distributed at three intervals (on day 10, day 20, and at the end of the challenge).  Giveaways include great stuff like running merch and Zen Squirrel swag.


What are the surprise bonus challenges?  

At our email check-in on Day 10 and Day 20, we will introduce additional bonus challenges that you may choose to complete and earn extra swag.  It's a surprise so we can't tell you what those challenges will be, but they will be fun!


How can I upload photos?

We encourage you to upload photos to the runsignup platform.  We may win a prize!  To upload photos, log into runsignup, go to your profile, click on the Zen Squirrel Running Challenge, click on photos in the top navigation bar, go to your gallery, click on upload photos.   


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