Looking for extra motivation or aiming for a personal best? Then consider running with one of our Pacers.
Our Pacers provide steady guidance and encouragement to help you stay on track and reach your goal.
FAQs About the RCM Pacers:
🔹 Why run with a Pacer?
Running with a group is a great way to stay motivated and focused on your goal. Our Pace Team Leaders are experienced runners who will help you maintain a consistent pace throughout the race.
🔹 Does it cost anything to run with a pacer?
No, running with a Pacer is free
🔹 What pacers are available?
We plan to offer pacers for finishing times from 2:55 to 6:00 hours (subject to pacer availability).
🔹 Which Pacer should I run with?
Pick a pacer setting a time that aligns with your training and feels comfortable for the entire marathon. If unsure, start with a slightly slower pace—you can always speed up later in the race.
🔹What pacing strategy do the Pacers follow?
Pacers aim to run **even splits**, ensuring a steady, efficient pace. If the start is crowded, they will gradually adjust to get back on pace without surging too fast.
🔹 How do I find my Pacer on race morning?
Pacers will be at the start line by 6:30 AM, holding signs with their pace times. They’ll also wear a PACER shirts for easy identification.
🔹 What if I need a bathroom break?
Pacers do **not** stop for breaks, so if you need one, run ahead of the group before stopping and catch up afterward.
🔹How do pacers handle aid stations?
Pacers will alert runners when approaching aid stations.
🔹 Do I have to stay with my Pacer the entire race?
No! You can speed up or drop back at any time.
🔹Do Pacers follow clock time or chip time?
Chip time.** Pacers start their watches as they cross the official timing mats.