Refund Policy
An optional registration fee reimbursement plan is offered at the time of registration. In the event you cannot participate, there will be no refunds UNLESS you have purchased the optional registration fee reimbursement plan AND are in compliance with the associated terms and conditions of the plan.
Deferral Policy
Deferrals will not be allowed for any reason.
Transfer of Race Distance Policy
Athletes may transfer from one race distance another, i.e. from 5K to 10 Mile, etc.
All race distance transfers must be completed in Run SignUp at least 14 days before the race date.
If an athlete is transferring from a higher priced race distance to a lower priced race distance, the athlete will not be refunded the difference.
If an athlete is transferring from a lower priced race distance to a higher priced race distance, the athlete will be required to pay the difference plus a processing fee. Prices in effect at the time of the transfer apply.
Once a transfer of race type has been completed, the option to transfer is no longer available.
Transfer Entry to Another Athlete Policy
There will be a $20 transfer fee.
All race distance transfers must be initiated in Run SignUp at least 14 days before the race date and the new athlete must complete the registration transfer at least 7 days before the race date.
If the athlete transfer includes a change in the race distance, i.e. transfer from an athlete registered for the 5K to another athlete for the Crest Combo, the conditions of the Transfer of Race Distance Policy also applies.