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Seabrook Lucky Trails

Fri March 14 - Sun March 16, 2025 Seabrook, TX 77586 US Directions

Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions:

Where does the race start?

Check the Information page for course details.

Is there packet pick-up on Race Day?

Check the Packet Pick-Up page for packet pick-up scheduled days and times. We highly recommend packet pickup be completed on one of the designated days. However, we realize it may be impossible for a few people to pick up their packet at the official times. We will have limited packet pickup the morning of the race.

Do I need to notify the race director to pick up my packet on Race Day?


Can I pick up my friend’s packet?

Yes, you can pick up the whole running group.

What do I need to pick up my friend’s packet?

You need the QR code or the exact name each person registered under, not their bib name, nickname, maiden, or married name if it was not used to register. Also, be sure that every person you want to pick up a packet for is registered. Yes, it has happened – we have been asked for packets when a runner never actually registered.

I see you have an Early Start for Marathon Walkers – how can I do that?

Just let staff know you want to be on the list for Early Marathon Start for Walkers either at Packet Pick-Up or Saturday morning between 5:30 and 5:50 before the 6:00 AM early start. IF you select to start early and finish faster than 6 hours you will only get a time of 6 hours. 

Do you accept credit cards at Packet Pick-up and Race Day registration?

We will take cash or check and all card payments will be directed to our race website which will be open for race day until registration closes.

What is the minimum age requirement, and do you need a parent’s or guardian’s consent to participate?

The minimum age for the half marathon or marathon is 8 years; for the 5K or quarter marathon, it’s 6 years. We do need the signature of a consenting parent or guardian. There is no minimum age for the Kids 1K, but we still need a parent’s consent.

Are the events chip-timed?

Yes (except for Kids 1K). Timing tags will be attached to your bib – no bib, no time. If you lose or forget your bib on race day, there is a $10 replacement fee. The bib must be worn on the front. Do not bend or fold your bib – it could interfere with the correct recording of your time!

What if I forget my bib at home?

If you lose or forget your bib on race day, there is a $10 replacement fee. DO NOT run without your bib (timing tag attached) – your official time will not be recorded. Non-registered runners and/or bandit runners will be removed from the course. No one will be allowed to finish the race without a bib number. Running with a bib not registered in your name will result in a two-year suspension.

The shirt in my packet doesn’t fit. Can I exchange it for a different size?

We post deadlines for both bib name and shirt size selection and order shirts in advance according to what you selected if you registered by those deadlines. We estimate the remainder. If we have any extras after the race, you are welcome to exchange, but if the race fills, extras for exchange are unlikely.

Are jogging strollers allowed?

Due to the nature of the course and the congestion, we will not be able to allow any strollers on the course.

Can I run with my dog?

You can bring a dog to the park, but they are not allowed on the course due to runner congestion on the trails.

Is your race a Boston qualifier?

Yes, it is; however, our course is slow, due to it being on narrow trails and congestion

Is there any minimum time if I start early?

Marathoners utilizing the early start will have a minimum official finishing time of 6 hours.

What if I change my mind after I’ve started the race – if I don’t think I can do the full marathon, can I do the half instead?

Should you decide to drop from the marathon to the half after the race starts, you will receive an official time; however, you will not be eligible for any awards. You will receive the medal you registered for.

Will there be a place to leave a drop bag for the race?

Yes. You can leave a drop bag before the race and pick it up after the race.

I registered and can’t run; can I get a refund?

Our policy is no refunds.   We do offer race insurance on signup you can find more about it HERE.

I signed up for Insurance and cannot run how do I claim my refund?

All claims are processed by RegShield.  Please go to their website to process your claim HERE


If you want to give your slot to someone else, you must contact us with their full runner information – it’s free before February 20.   After February 20th there will be a 10 dollar surcharge until March 1st.  After March 1st no transfers allowed.

I paid my registration fee but couldn’t attend the race. Can you mail my race packet to me or can I pick up my packet after the race?

No. All unclaimed race packets will be given to late registrants at the race.

I left early, but it looks like I won an award. Can you mail it to me?

No, we do not mail out awards after the race. 

Is there a host hotel?

You can visit the Hotels page for host hotel rates, contact info, and details.

Where else can I stay in Seabrook?

Lodging in Seabrook can be found by visiting HERE.

How long is each “loop” of the Seabrook Trails?

1/4 marathon.

What about spectators – can they watch and cheer, even though it’s a trail run?

Yes, there are a few excellent spots where spectators can watch and cheer.

What will the weather be like on race day?

The weather can vary that time of year. The first year of the race, it was a little warm the day of the race, and a week later we had very cold weather again. Keep posted to your favorite weather source for the latest information.

What are your contingency plans for bad weather?

Rain: The event will NOT be canceled due to rain alone unless the downpour is such that athletes, police, and volunteers lose visibility, making situations unsafe. If this occurs, we will wait until the rain subsides and follow the same procedure listed for lightning conditions (minus the 30-minute rule). Athletes will be informed of such a change via announcements on race morning.

Lightning: In the event of lightning, the race will be postponed by 30 minutes every time lightning is spotted and thunder is heard within 6 miles of the event. Please note that every time lightning strikes and thunder is heard within 6 miles of the race site, we must delay the start by 30 minutes.

Tornado Warning: If at any time before (race morning close to start time) or during the event, a tornado warning is issued, the race will be canceled.

On Course Cancellation: If the race is canceled due to storms (lightning and/or excessive rain) or tornado warnings while it is in progress, we will do everything in our power to alert everyone on the course. All police, SAG, and medical personnel will be made aware and do all they can to warn and SAG in all participants. We will also do everything in our power to assist those that are still on course. Those on course without means of rescue should seek immediate shelter via open stores, buildings, garages, homes, and/or any other means of protection from the dangerous conditions. We will still try to SAG you to the finish or as close as possible if at all possible.

Heat: In case of a heat advisory, we will make sure the hydration stations have plenty of ice and cold drinks. We will also provide iced towels at one of the hydration stations.

Due to the nature of this event, once we have the approval to run the race, it’s extremely difficult to cancel or postpone it. Keep in mind that this is a charity event, so no refunds will be issued. Once you’re out on the course, be careful! There are some sections of this course that are remote, and it could take time for you to reach the nearest hydration station. Listen to your body! Seek medical attention at any of the aid stations if you’re not feeling well. Volunteers, course marshals, police, or SAG personnel may also remove athletes from the course if they are not deemed fit to continue.

Are there portable restrooms on the course?

Yes, there will be port-o-potties on the course, and if the restrooms are locked in the park, there will be port-o-potties near the locked park restrooms.

What type of sports drink will you be serving on the course?

Sports drink is yet to be determined but there will be some on course.

What can I expect at the aid stations?

Each of the aid stations will be manned by volunteers and stocked with water, sports drinks, and possibly a treat or two.

How will you post the results, and will they be posted by chip or gun time?

All results will be posted according to chip time, except for the overall winners, who are determined by gun time.

When will you post the results?

Results will be posted after the conclusion of the race.

Do you need volunteers?

YES! Volunteers are a critical part of the race. If you’d like to volunteer, please contact us! We need your help!

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