Course Information
10K Turkey TREK Course Map -Click Here
5K Turkey TROT Course Map- Click Here
2k Turkey TODDLE Course Map - Click Here
Location: Long Lake Ranch Regional Park: 17850 W 64th Ave, Arvada Colorado (CLICK HERE for DRIVING DIRECTIONS)
Port-O-Lets: There are no toilets ON course but plenty at the expo.
Course Surface: 1.5 miles total of the 5k and 10k are on crushed gravel and the remainder is on concrete. These concrete and gravel trails are at least 8 feet wide.
Free GPS Tracking: Friends near and far can send FREE cheers and track your progress when you use the RaceJoy App - INCLUDED with your registration! (5k and 10k only)
Water: The 10k sees 1 water stations. There is not water station on the 5k or 2k course
Course Cut Off: There is no course cut off time for this event.
Dogs, Strollers, Skateboards: Your well behaved, leashed dogs and well-behaved children in strollers are welcome on this course. Slower runners should always stay to the right, faster runners should pass on the left. If you ride your skateboard during the event, we will cheer for you, but also disqualify you. The same is true should you decide to ride down a hill INSIDE your stroller.
Snow: We will run, even in snow. Plan accordingly. Wear layers, bring dry shoes for after the race, run more carefully on slippery surfaces....If the Parks Department restricts use of the park or the Police Department restricts use of roadways for commuting to the event because of some "snowpocalypse", then watch here for updates and check your email.
Start/Finish Description: Here is how to find the start and finish of the 10k and 5k distances: (Of course, they are marked on race day!)
At the most southern part of the parking lot in this park, you'll see a passageway in the fence. It is very narrow - the width of one person. When you walk through the fence, you'll see the 8 foot wide concrete path on which we run this course. Turn to the east (take a left after entering through the narrow passage. Walk east until you see what looks like a wooden 'gate' embedded into the fencing on the north side of the trail. This isn't more than 30-50 feet from the initial passageway. The gate isn't actually a working gate, it is just a wooden component of the fence. That wooden gate is the FINISH line for all events.
5k Runners - the wooden 'gate' in the fence is your START line also. 5k runners run EAST along the trail for 1.55 miles to the turn around and then return to the 'gate'.
10k Runners, from the gate, continue walking EAST for 13 concrete 'seams' Count the seam at the gate as 0 and then count 13 more seams. At the 13th seam, you've found your START line for the 10k. Start at that line and run WEST, in a clockwise route. You'll pass the finish line about 100 feet into your run and you'll cross over the start location again about 100 feet from your finish. That little 100 foot section is the only 'cross over' of your course.