Q & A
Q1. Just found out about this Challenge! Is it too late to sign up?
No, it's not too late! Registration is open till midnight on 4/29/23. Join us!
Q2. What does this Challenge support?
100% of the registration fee and your donation (minus a processing fee) goes to AMRG. It will be used for vehicle maintenance, shared gear, training from external organizations, and communication tools.
Q3. How do I submit my answer?
You will submit your answer from 4/1/2023 through 5/6/2023. Below are the steps you'll need to take. The pictures follow the steps.
STEP 1: Log in to www.Runsignup.com and click "Profile"
STEP 2: Under your Upcoming Events > Select Submit Virtual Results
STEP 3: Select waypoint ID under "Activity" dropbox. Enter the date. Enter your answer under "Comment." Click Submit Your Time. (You do not need to enter time anywhere. If the comment was left blank, it does not count as completed.)
Q4. Can we use any GPS app?
Yes, Strava, Trailforks, xBackcountry, Gaia, Caltopo, Avenza, onX, AllTrails, etc. Anything will work as long as it gets you out the door. AMRG's preferred apps are Gaia and Caltopo; we actively use those apps during our missions. If you have any questions about the GPS Apps, don't be afraid to reach out; we may have a solution or at least be able to point you in a direction.
Q5. I’m trying to follow your email instructions but I cannot get it work!
Don’t worry. You could get as much help from us as you need. Send us an email with all your questions.
Q6. What kind of emails would I receive if I sign up?
You will receive an email about once a week during the event period. The email topics cover coordinates, gear, communication, and weather forecast.