Want to be a Sponsor?
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.

Want to be a Sponsor?
Thanks, just download and mail in sponsorship information pdf to the right.
Contact us with questions: terrybolanallenhurst5k@gmail.com
TERRY BOLAN ALLENHURST 5K – Sponsored by: The Borough of Allenhurst
To Benefit: Allenhurst Fire, First Aid & Recreation
GOLD SPONSOR …………………………….……………………...………………………………………$2,000
Sponsor will be recognized at event with logo printed in primary position on Sponsor banner, on town website and town electronic sign board. Promotional materials and product samples may be distributed at the event. Sponsor eligible for up to 5 race entries including post-race party.
SILVER SPONSOR…………..……………….……………………...………………………………………$1,500
Sponsor will be recognized at event with logo printed on Sponsor banner, on town website and town electronic sign board. Promotional materials and product samples may be distributed at the event. Sponsor eligible for up to 4 race entries including post-race party.
BRONZE SPONSOR…..…………………….……………………...……………………………………….$1,000
Sponsor will be recognized at event with large name printed on Sponsor banner, on town website and town electronic sign board. Promotional materials and product samples may be distributed at the event. Sponsor eligible for up to 3 race entries including post-race party.
CONTRIBUTING SPONSOR ………………………………………………………….…….………………$500
Sponsor will be recognized at event with name printed on Sponsor banner, on town website and town electronic sign board. Sponsor eligible for up to 2 race entries including post-race party.
Sponsor will be recognized at event, on town website and sign board. Sponsor eligible for up to 1 race entrie including post-race party.