Runners Race Day Info
Welcome to the Terry Bolan Allenhurst 5K, 1.5 mile walk and Beach Party on Saturday June 22, 2024.
The Race Committee would like to thank you for being a part of this event and we hope you have a great race.
The WEATHER It is summer - RUN SMART. HEAT STROKE - Dizziness, confusion, nausea, muscle cramping. Listen to your body - if you feel dizzy or lightheaded - STOP! HYDRATE!!
Saturday 7am – Registration opens for bib/shirt pickup. NEW Location, Registration Tent located at Allenhurst, Railroad Plaza Park / Terrence J. Bolan Park
Race Day Sign Up is still available TELL YOUR FRIENDS! Shirts available while supplies last.
Shirts must be picked up by 9:30am - NO MAILINGS
8:30 am – 5K start 8:32 am -- Walk start. Railroad Plaza
9:45 am – Awards Ceremony.
POST RACE BEACH PARTY Immediately following the Awards. Includes Hot dogs, Jersey Mike’s Subs, Beer, a Band and of course the Ocean. A limited number of wristbands for purchase by non-participants for entry to beach party will be available in the Park Only while supplies last for $15.00. (No additional wristbands will be available at the beach). Free Shuttle Bus will be available from Staging area to Beach Party and will run continuously all day.
Bib Numbers Bib Numbers must be worn on the front. Since we have two distances Course Marshals and Finish Officials must be able to see numbers. Make sure you are wearing the correct bib number for your event. 5K Bibs 1 to 500 Walk Bibs over 1,000
Food & Water & Bathrooms Please be respectful and take only one of each food item. Food and Drink will also be available at the Beach Party. There are 2 water stops on the course you will pass each station twice. Porta johns on site near Finish area.
Injuries/EMS Allenhurst First Aid is scheduled to be onsite.
Course Flat and Fast Two loops for the 5K, 1 Loop for the 1.5 Mile walk ***while we made every attempt to have roads closed to traffic, there may be the stray car from the local neighborhoods. PAY ATTENTION.*** WALKERS – 1.5 MILES – 8:32 am Start Time – One Loop Walkers Keep to Right side of road as faster 5K runners past on 2nd loop. Volunteers Are always welcome, please contact us at
Parking Local Parking lots are available as well as street parking. If parking in a neighborhood, do NOT block driveways. We expect all participants to be respectful of where they park and be courteous to your fellow runner. Give yourself ample time to park and pick up your bib.
Terry Bolan Allenhurst 5K
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