Sponsorship Information
The Ben to The Shore Bike Tour is grateful for all donations and sponsorships. As a sponsor, you gain exposure to a loyal group of supporters who are dedicated to supporting our region's first responders and building healthy connections in the communities they serve. We offer a variety of sponsorship levels and options. Please select your option from the list below. Once you enter your information, you will receive a invoice for payment. You may also download a Sponsorship Packet by clicking here.
Please reach out to bike@fbbcf.org with any questions.
Presenting Sponsor
Sponsorship Level: $50,000
Exclusive Naming Rights: 38th Annual The Ben to The Shore Bike Tour sponsored by “Your Company”
Digital Marketing & Social Media:
- Company logo on Ben to Shore homepage, linking to your website
- Company logo on all Ben to Shore email marketing materials (over 60,000 subscribers)
- Mention and logo on all Ben to Shore social media accounts (over 20,000 cumulative followers)
- Individual “Thank You” post on FBBCF social accounts with logo/picture & company synopsis, linking to your website & social accounts
Ride Day Exposure:
- Company logo prominently displayed on the starting line, 30-mile ride, and finish line banners
- Opportunity for representative from your company to be the official “starter” at the starting line in Philadelphia
- Company banner (provided by you) prominently displayed at the after party in Atlantic City
- Company banner prominently displayed at the Beneficiary Party / Check Presentation event in October
Additional Benefits:
- 20 riders for the Bike Tour
- 20 additional VIP passes to the after party in Atlantic City
Platinum Sponsor
Sponsorship Level: $30,000
Digital Marketing & Social Media:
- Company logo on Ben to Shore homepage, linking to your website
- Company logo on all Ben to Shore email marketing materials (over 60,000 subscribers)
- Mention and logo on all Ben to Shore social media accounts (over 20,000 cumulative followers)
- Individual “Thank You” post on FBBCF social accounts with logo/picture & company synopsis, linking to your website & social accounts
Ride Day Exposure:
- Company logo prominently displayed on the starting line, 30-mile ride, and finish line banners
- Company banner (provided by you) prominently displayed at the after party in Atlantic City
Additional Benefits:
- 10 riders for the Bike Tour
- 10 additional VIP passes to the after party in Atlantic City
Gold Sponsor
Sponsorship Level: $15,000
Digital Marketing & Social Media:
- Company logo on Ben to Shore homepage, linking to your website
- Company logo on all Ben to Shore email marketing materials (over 60,000 subscribers)
- Mention and logo on all Ben to Shore social media accounts (over 20,000 cumulative followers)
- Individual “Thank You” post on FBBCF social accounts with logo/picture & company synopsis, linking to your website & social accounts
Ride Day Exposure:
- Company logo prominently displayed on the starting line, 30-mile ride, and finish line banners
- Company banner (provided by you) prominently displayed at the after party in Atlantic City
Additional Benefits:
- 5 riders for the Bike Tour & 10 additional VIP passes to the after party in Atlantic City
Silver Sponsor
Sponsorship Level: $10,000
Digital Marketing & Social Media:
- Company logo on Ben to Shore homepage, linking to your website
- Company logo on all Ben to Shore email marketing materials (over 60,000 subscribers)
- Mention and logo on all Ben to Shore social media accounts (over 20,000 cumulative followers)
- Individual “Thank You” post on FBBCF social accounts with logo/picture & company synopsis, linking to your website & social accounts
Ride Day Exposure:
- Company logo prominently displayed on the starting line, 30-mile ride, and finish line banners
- Company banner (provided by you) prominently displayed at the after party in Atlantic City
Additional Benefits:
- 3 riders for the Bike Tour & 10 additional VIP passes to the after party in Atlantic City
Bronze Sponsor
Sponsorship Level: $5,000
Digital Marketing & Social Media:
- Company logo on Ben to Shore homepage, linking to your website
- Company logo on all Ben to Shore email marketing materials (over 60,000 subscribers)
- Mention and logo on all Ben to Shore social media accounts (over 20,000 cumulative followers)
Ride Day Exposure:
- Company logo prominently displayed on the starting line, 30-mile ride, and finish line banners
Pedal Patron
Sponsorship Level: $2,500
Digital Marketing:
- Company logo displayed on the Ben to Shore homepage, linking to your website.
Social Media:
- Inclusion in “Thank You” posts on FBBCF social accounts, linking to your page