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Jogging Strollers

Runners with a single-occupied jogging stroller are permitted, providing they meet the following conditions:

  1. The guardian MUST notify the check-in staff that they will be using a jogging stroller, and must sign an additional waiver at check-in for the stroller occupant.

  2. Jogging strollers are only permitted during daylight hours.

  3. Runners with strollers must start at the back of the pack for their particular race.

  4. Extreme care must be exercised at all times to prevent the stroller from hitting or impeding anyone else at all times during the entire event, whether before, during, or after the race.

  5. They must stay to the right side of the trail at all times unless and only while passing someone slower.

  6. They must always call out to notify other slower trail users sufficiently before passing them.

  7. They must yield way to all other trail users.

  8. They must not “leap-frog” other trail users.

  9. They must not use any headphones, earbuds, or other listening devices.

  10. If race management deems them to be a hazard or other issue, they must be willing to either continue without the stroller (after transferring it to another guardian) or discontinue the race altogether.

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