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Leaving the Course

Runners are not permitted to leave the course or have any type of transportation other than their own two feet (and/or hands!) at any time until after they are finished. Leaving from any part of the course and then returning later is not permitted (except as noted below). Any violations are grounds for disqualification.

  • Exceptions:
  • The start/finish tent/aid station, Springbrook Pool Center area and restrooms, and 100 Mile/100K adjacent parking lots as shown on the Parking Map are considered part of the course. One hundred Kers and 100 milers may self support out of their vehicles if parking in these adjacent parking lots.
  • One hundred Kers and 100 milers are allowed to sleep in their vehicle in the 100 Mile/100K adjacent parking lots as shown on the Parking Map. Just be sure to notify a timing official when you leave the course to sleep and when you return to the course to continue. You must start back at the same spot where you left.

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