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Reasons why the 50 miler begins at 8:00 PM

As with most decisions, there are pros and cons. After careful analysis and discussion among our staff, here are some of the reasons why we set it up this way:

  • We want to maintain a comfortable family feel to the race and avoid a “cattle stampede”. We don’t want to overload the course first thing Saturday. This helps us keep the Pistol Ultra a top quality event and a good experience for our participants.
  • We want to maintain a high level of aid station support and avoid overloading them early on Saturday.
  • The Pistol Ultra is a great venue for runners to try something they haven’t done before. Some want to experience running through the night in a “safe” venue, not cut their teeth on some hairy mountainous trail run where their life insurance policy may be needed. It provides a way for these runners to try night running without having to try tackling a hundo right off.
  • It gives the opportunity for some “ultra-crazy” runners to tackle the Double Barrel Challenge: Complete the 50K (or possibly even the 100K!) in the morning, then the 50 miler that night. Successfully finishing the Double Barrel Challenge comes with a really cool award! (See Awards below.)
  • It gives the hundo runners new faces – and 50 miler “pacers” to join them during the night.
  • It provides the opportunity for the 50 milers to run with the hundo runners and learn how to tackle longer distances.
  • It provides the hundo runners with encouragement and additional runners on the course during the night.
  • The staff and volunteers are already in place for the hundo runners, and can handle the additional 50 milers.
  • It helps spread the finishers out more uniformly over the entire event so we can provide more support, encouragement, and recognition to each one.
  • It helps fill in the number of runners crossing the finish line later in the event to keep the energy level up.

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