Volunteer: Get a FREE Race!

We would love your help as we make this race happen! We have three volunteer options, each only 2-3 hours of your time, and you'll get a FREE RACE code to use for any of our future events! Please read through the descriptions and sign up for which one best fits! Here's a huge "THANK YOU!" In advance... :)
- Early Volunteer Shift (6:30 - 8:30 AM)
- Come to "Volunteer Check-In" table on race day. We'll have you sign in and give you your assignment. We'll need help with packet pick-up, parking navigation, and crowd control.
- Bring: Headlamp, Warm clothes, Gloves
- Late Volunteer Shift (9:30 AM - 11:30 AM)
- Come to "Volunteer Check-In" table on race day. We'll have you sign in and give you your assignment. We'll need help with passing out medals, award handouts, and crowd control.
- Bring: Warm clothes, Gloves
- Bike Aid (9:00 AM - 12:00 PM)
- Come to "Volunteer Check-In" table on race day. We'll have you sign in and explain your assignment. Basically you'll act as a race sweeper, following behind the runners to make sure everyone is accounted for. Your backpack will include basic first-aid supplies, water, electrolytes, glucose supplements, and a walkie-talkie or satellite phone to reach us in case of an emergency.
- We have never needed any of these things so usually bikers just get to have a fun ride while getting a free race code out of it. ;)
- Bikers start one hour after race begins. (Race starts at 8am).
- Bring: Mountain Bike (be skilled enough to ride with confidence), Helmet.
- Come to "Volunteer Check-In" table on race day. We'll have you sign in and explain your assignment. Basically you'll act as a race sweeper, following behind the runners to make sure everyone is accounted for. Your backpack will include basic first-aid supplies, water, electrolytes, glucose supplements, and a walkie-talkie or satellite phone to reach us in case of an emergency.