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The ODO Gobbler Run & Ruck

Sat November 30, 2024 South Glastonbury, CT 06073 US Directions

Course Marshall High Priority

Minimum met.


Volunteers are needed to direct runners/ruckers so they stay on course and don't take a wrong turn! You will be paired-up with another volunteer so you won't be out on the course alone.

Time commitment: 9:30-11:30. We welcome parent-child volunteer teams!


On course.

Water Stop High Priority

Minimum met.


If you don't mind getting a little wet, this job is for you! You will help set-up, take-down and hand out cups of water to the participants. Children are welcome if their parent or a guardian is with them.

Time Committment: 9:30-11:30am


At the 2-mile mark on course.

Greeter High Priority

Minimum met.


Your role will be to welcome participants to the event and answer any questions folks have (like "Where are the bathrooms!"). One person will be stationed at the entrance to the Brewery, while three others will roam the registration area and finish line.

Once the race starts, you may be asked to help hand out medals and water at the finish line.

Time Commitment: 9:00-11:30am


Registration area and finish line.

Parking Attendants High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


You will help direct cars to the parking area, ensuring that they park in such a way to maximize the number of cars.

Once the race starts, you are welcome to help pass out medals and water at the finish.

Time Commitment: 8:30-10:30


Entrance to the brewery and the parking area.

Finish Line Medium Priority

Minimum met.


As participants cross the finish line, you will reward them with their medal/patch and a bottle of water.

Children are welcome if accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Time Commitment: 10:00-11:30am


Finish Line

Lil' Gobbler High Priority

At least 7 more volunteers needed.


Keep the kids in the Lil' Gobbler program entertained and safe while their parents run.


Lil Gobbler Tent

ODO MerchTent Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Staff the merchandize table pre/post race.

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