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Race to Robie Creek®

Sat April 19, 2025 Boise, ID 83701 US

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Packet Pickup

Race Number Handout - Wed 4/16/2025

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 16, 2025


Help distribute Race Number/timing chips to participants and other tasks at Packet Pickup as needed. Please arrive at The Basque Center no later than 3:30 p.m. and report to Bob Grisham. You will receive training at that time, and a volunteer shirt.


Packet Pickup- The Basque Center, 601 W. Grove St., Boise, ID 83702 (entrance on 6th St.)

Race Day

Race Start - 1st Shift

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Help set up this year's Race start!

Please arrive at the Race Start by 8:00 a.m. and report to Lorian at Volunteer Check-in next to the Race Number pick-up tables. We need help setting up tables and the other items at the Start area. You will receive your volunteer shirt when you arrive.


Race Start - Fort Boise Park

Race Start - 2nd Shift

You must be 12 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


This position allows you to help out at the start of the Race! It also may require some assistance with clean up after the runners have started the Race.

Please arrive at the Race Start by 9:00 a.m. and report to the Volunteer Check-in table, to the left of the line of Race Number and packet pickup tables.


Race Start- Fort Boise Park

Loading Toad Mobile - Race Start

You must be 12 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Load racers' gear into the Toadmobile for transport to the Race Finish.

Please arrive at the Race Start by 10:00 a.m. and report to Lorian at the Volunteer Check-in table, which will be to the left of the race-day bib pickup tables. The coordinator will sign you in, give you your volunteer shirt and provide any additional details you may need.


Race Start - Fort Boise Park

Race Day Race Number Pickup (password required)

You must be 16 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


Race Start- Fort Boise Park

Stamping & Area Cleanup - Race Start (password required)

You must be 12 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


Race Start - Fort Boise Park

Driving Toad Mobile (password required)

You must be 25 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


Race Start - Fort Boise Park

Race Finish

Finish Line/Chutes - 1st Shift

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Help runners as they come across the Finish line and through the chutes.

Please take the first bus to the Finish line so that you arrive by 12:45 p.m.; your name will be on the volunteer list so you may access the bus. Check in at the volunteer table 15 minutes before the start of your shift.

Please see the Transportation tab at for bus times and locations.

You will receive your volunteer shirt when you arrive at the Finish area, and as a volunteer, you are entitled to go to the front of the bus line if you choose.


Race Finish - Finish Line - Robie Creek Park

Finish Line/Chutes - 2nd Shift

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


Help runners as they come across the Finish line and through the chutes.

Please take one of our buses to the Finish line so that you arrive by 2:45 p.m.; your name will be on the volunteer list so you may gain access to the bus. Check in at the volunteer table 15 minutes before the start of your shift.

Please see the Transportation tab at for bus times and locations.

You will receive your volunteer shirt when you arrive at the Finish area, and as a volunteer, you are entitled to go to the front of the bus line if you choose.


Race Finish - Finish Line - Robie Creek Park

ID Check Station - 1st Shift

You must be 19 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Check racer, spectator, and volunteer ID for legal drinking age in the Finish park.

Please take the first bus to the Finish line so that you arrive by 12:45 pm; your name will be on the volunteer list so you may gain access to the bus. Check in at the Volunteer table right inside of the park by shirt area 15 minutes before the start of your shift.

Please see the Transportation tab at for bus times and locations.

You will receive your volunteer shirt when you arrive at the Finish area, and as a volunteer, you are entitled to go to the front of the bus line if you choose.


Race Finish - inside Robie Creek Park

ID Check Station - 2nd Shift

You must be 19 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


Check racer, spectator, and volunteer ID for legal drinking age in the Finish park.

Please take one of our buses to the Finish line so that you arrive 15 minutes before the start of your shift; your name will be on the volunteer list so you may gain access to the bus. When you arrive at the park, please check in at the volunteer table just inside the park by the shirt tables.

Please see the Transportation tab at for bus times and locations.

You will receive your volunteer shirt when you arrive at the Finish area, and as a volunteer, you are entitled to go to the front of the bus line if you choose.


Race Finish - inside Robie Creek Park

Bus Line Traffic Control

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


Check the participants in the bus line for any health issues and help manage traffic as vehicles come through the area.

Please take one of the buses from either Spring Shores or Idaho Parks and Recreation/Idaho Shakespeare Festival to the Finish, and plan 45 minutes for the ride. Please see the Transportation tab at for bus times and locations.

When you arrive at the Finish area, please check in at the Volunteer check-in table just inside the park. There you will receive your volunteer shirt, and as a volunteer, you are entitled to go to the front of the bus line if you choose when you leave to go back down to Spring Shores or the Idaho Parks and Recreation/Idaho Shakespeare Festival.


Race Finish - Bus Line - near Robie Creek Park

Bus Assistance-Bus Turnaround

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


Help racers, spectators, and other volunteers onto and off the buses at the Finish area after the race.

Please take one of the buses from either Spring Shores or Idaho Parks and
Recreation/Idaho Shakespeare Festival to the Finish, and plan 45 minutes for the ride. Please see the Transportation tab at for bus times and locations.

When you arrive at the Finish area, please check in at the Volunteer check-in table just inside the park. There you will receive your volunteer shirt. After checking in, please report to the Volunteers by the buses.

Your volunteer shirt entitles you to go to the front of the bus line if you choose when you leave to go back down to Spring Shores or the Idaho Parks and Recreation/Idaho Shakespeare Festival.


Race Finish - Bus Turnaround - near Robie Creek Park

Finish Area Assistance (College of Idaho CHEER TEAM & SKI TEAM ; password required)

April 19, 2025


Assist with a variety of tasks at the Finish area.


Race Finish - Robie Creek Park

TIPS-Trained Servers - Finish Area (password required)

You must be 19 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


We need TIPS-trained volunteers to help serve beer at the Finish area.

When you arrive at the Finish area, please check in at the Volunteer check-in table just inside the park next to to the shirt tables. You will receive your volunteer shirt when you check in.


Race Finish - Robie Creek Park

Shirt Distribution - Race Finish (password required)

You must be 12 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


Help distribute shirts to the Race finishers!

Please take the first bus from either Spring Shores or Idaho Parks and Recreation/Idaho Shakespeare Festival to the Finish, and plan 45 minutes for the ride. Please see the Transportation tab at for bus times and locations.

When you arrive, please check in at the Volunteer check-in table just inside the park next to the shirt tables. You will receive your volunteer shirt when you arrive at the Finish area, and as a volunteer, you are entitled to go to the front of the bus line if you choose when you are ready to go back to Idaho Parks and Recreation/Idaho Shakespeare Festival.


Race Finish - Robie Creek Park

Aid Stations

Start Aid Station, STRIDERS (password required)

You must be 10 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


Race Start - Fort Boise Park

Mile 2 Aid Station CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY (password required)

You must be 10 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


at the Mile 2 Aid Station

Mile 2 Aid Station WISH GRANTERS (password required)

April 19, 2025

Mile 3 Aid Station NATIVE AMERICAN COALITION OF BOISE (password required)

You must be 10 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


at the Mile 3 Aid Station

Mile 4 Aid Station BOGUS BASIN MOUNTAIN HOSTS (password required)

You must be 10 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


at the Mile 4 Aid Station

Mile 5 Aid Station BANDANNA RUNNING (password required)

You must be 10 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


at the Mile 5 Aid Station

Mile 6 Aid Station BOISE ADAPTIVE SNOWSPORT EDUCATION (password required)

You must be 10 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


at the Mile 6 Aid Station

Mile 7 Aid Station ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL (password required)

You must be 10 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


at the Mile 7 Aid Station

Table of Temptation (password required)

You must be 10 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


at the Mile 8 Aid Station

Summit Aid Station PULSE RUNNING EVENTS (password required)

You must be 10 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


at the Summit

Mile 10.5 Aid Station BARE MOUNTAIN RETREAT (password required)

You must be 10 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


Help distribute fruit and beverages to the racers as they pass the 10.5 mile aid station on their way to the Finish!

Please arrive at your location by 10:00 a.m. and report to Keith. You will receive your volunteer shirt when you arrive.


at the Mile 10.5 Aid Station

Mile 11.5 Station BISHOP KELLY HIGH SCHOOL (password required)

You must be 10 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


at the Mile 11.5 Aid Station

Finish Area Aid Station (password required)

You must be 10 or older to volunteer for this task.

April 19, 2025


Race Finish - Robie Creek Park

Other Tasks

Friends of The Sail Toads


Miscellaneous job duties


At least 1 more volunteer needed.

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