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The Big Run - Bloomington Illinois

Wed June 4, 2025 Bloomington, IL 61704 US Directions

Bib Pick Up

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Arrive at 4:45 at Tipton

Turn around cone marshall

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Arrive at 5:30 at Tipton; give lots of high fives

Course marshall / entrance to GE Park

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Arrive 5:30; cheer and keep runners safe from cars at the entrance to GE Park

Water station

At least 4 more volunteers needed.


Arrive 5:30; kids welcome but please only sign up adults

Bike Volunteer

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Lead biker and sweep to let volunteers know they can leave their spots; arrive 5:45 if you're familiar with the course, sooner if you would like to ride it first

Finish Line - pass out water & medals

At least 2 more volunteers needed.


Arrive 6:00 pm; kids welcome but please only sign up adults

Kids Run Turn Around Cone

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Arrive 5:10 - kids race is at 5:30; give lots of high fives

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