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Maryland Freedom Swim

Sat May 31, 2025 Cambridge, MD 21613 US Directions

Water Safety - Motor Vessels High Priority

May 17, 2025


This is to sign up for working the water safety portion of the race on a motor vessel. Please only sign up for this section if you OWN or have access to, a motorized vessel. We will not be providing vessels for use.

Water Safety - Jet Ski High Priority

May 17, 2025


This is to sign up for working the water safety portion of the race on a Jet Ski. Please only sign up for this section if you OWN or have access to a Jet Ski. We will not be providing vessels for use.

Water Safety - Non Motorized Vessel High Priority

May 17, 2025


The heart of our volunteer crew. Whether you are on a kayak, stand up paddleboard (SUP), or canoe, we need YOU to help keep our swimmers safe. As this is a straight 2 mile swim, between the bridges of the Choptank, we want to make sure that we have LOADS of non-motorized water safety.

Swimmers will be able to stop and hand on to your vessel, but you will not be able to provide forward movement. If someone is in need of help, or wants to be removed, you will signal over a motorized vessel, who will take the swimmer. You will NOT be expected to render aid to swimmers.

All Non-Motorized vessel occupants MUST wear a Personal Flotation Device (PFD). Your safety is just as important as those of the swimmers.

Packet Pickup/Registration Medium Priority

May 17, 2025


These persons will assist our swimmers in getting their materials, on race morning, to prepare them for the swim. Swimmers will get a neoprene ankle timing chip and a swim cap. Depending on the number of swimmers, will depend if WAVES are assigned prior to. Volunteers will be supplied with a list of names/numbers/waves, should a wave start be deemed necessary.

Shuttle Loading Medium Priority

May 17, 2025


Volunteers will be stationed at the shuttle loading zone at the Dorchester County Visitor Center and will record the athlete numbers of the athletes as they get on the shuttle to the start.

Start Line Volunteer Medium Priority

May 17, 2025


Volunteers will assist swimmers with what to do with their clothes (place them in a drop bag) and will aid them with a water table, just prior to swim entrance.

Finish Line Medium Priority

May 17, 2025


Volunteers will help athletes exit the water, if necessary. These athletes should dress appropriately and should be prepared for a wet day!

Gear Bag

May 17, 2025


Responsible for the collection and transport of gear bags from the start line to the finish line of the race.

Food Tables Medium Priority

You must be 12-100 years old to volunteer for this task.

May 17, 2025


2 tasks:
Set up pre-race coffee and snacks for Volunteers
Set up Post-race food for Swimmers and Volunteers

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