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Communication Counts 5k

Sat March 29, 2025 Charlotte, NC 28212 US Directions

Race Set-up Team Volunteer High Priority

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


These volunteers will be responsible for the majority of our race set-up- blowing up balloons, setting up the water station, hanging our banner, placing yard signs. etc. We are asking all volunteers to arrive promptly at 7am.

Course Monitor High Priority

At least 14 more volunteers needed.


These volunteers will outline the route of the race with yard signs, balloons, cones, etc. and then stand along the route to guide racers and ensure everyone stays on route. We are asking all volunteers to arrive promptly at 7am.

Finish Line Volunteer High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


These volunteers will set up our tables at the finish line (refreshments, info, and medic) and then hand out medals to racers and man the refreshments and info booths. We are asking all volunteers to arrive promptly at 7am.

Registration Team Volunteer High Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.


These volunteers will set up the registration area and then check racers in, provide t-shirts and bibs, and register day-of participants. We are asking all volunteers to arrive promptly at 7am.

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