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Rock'N Race 5k Run/Walk Fundraiser

May 7, 2025 Concord, NH 03301 US

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Packet Pick Up

Packet Pickup High Priority

May 6, 2025


Staff/RNR Committee and Volunteers will help give out packets before race day to Rock 'N Race Participants on May 7, 2024. Shifts from 9am - 1pm and 1pm -5pm.
This task is password protected. Contact if you are interested in volunteering for this position.


Christ the King Parish, Concord

Rock 'N Race Day May 7 - Course Volunteers - Check-In at Centennial Inn

Course Volunteers High Priority

May 7, 2025


Volunteers help keep runners and walkers safe on the course. Volunteers are posted at intersections, driveways and points where runners and cars need direction.
Who Can Volunteer: Adults or children 16 years or older (children under 18 need written permission from their parents)


Job Location: 5K Course
Volunteer Check-in Location: Centennial Inn, 96 Pleasant St., Concord at 4:45 pm

Course Volunteer; Snack Handout High Priority

May 7, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Set up and Hand out snacks from mid-race water stop at Governor Gallen Office Park
Who Can Volunteer: Adults or children 14 years or older (children under 18 need written permission from their parents)


Job Location: Course - Governor Gallen Office Park
Volunteer Check-in Location: Centennial Inn, 96 Pleasant St., Concord at 4:15 pm

Rock 'N Race Day May 7 - Lawn Volunteers - Check-In at State House Lawn

Lineup Announcement Volunteers Medium Priority

May 7, 2025


Volunteers walk around the lawn with signs asking walkers and runners to line up at the start.
Who Can Volunteer: Adults or children 14 years or older (children under 18 need written permission from their parents)


Job Location: State House Lawn
Volunteer Check-in Location: Volunteer Tent, New Hampshire State House near Capitol St., 107 North Main Street, Concord NH

Course Clean-up High Priority

May 7, 2025


Walk the course, make sure the course is as clean as it was before the race, trash pick-up, etc.
Who Can Volunteer: Adults or children 14 years or older (children under 18 need written permission from their parents)


Job Location: 5K Course
Volunteer Check-in Location: Volunteer Tent, New Hampshire State House near Capitol St., 107 North Main Street, Concord NH

General Lawn Volunteer High Priority

May 7, 2025


Walk the lawn, make sure the lawn is as clean as it was before the race, trash pick-up, etc. Help with line management at food tents and help with anything else on the lawn that is directed by the volunteer coordinators.
Who Can Volunteer: Adults or children 14 years or older (children under 18 need written permission from their parents)


Job Location: State House Lawn
Volunteer Check-in Location: Volunteer Tent, New Hampshire State House near Capitol St., 107 North Main Street, Concord NH

Registration Line Managers High Priority

May 7, 2025


Help runners and walkers register for Rock 'N Race by handing out paper registrations to fill out before they get in line at the registration tent. Reduce confusion, make sure everyone is in the correct line, answer basic questions.
This task is password protected. Contact if you are interested in volunteering for this position


Job Location: State House Lawn
Volunteer Check-in Location: Volunteer Tent, New Hampshire State House near Capitol St., 107 North Main Street, Concord NH

Main Stage Band Roadie High Priority

May 7, 2025


Assist main stage band with setup and make sure they have everything they need. Keep them on schedule per the RNR Timeline. Make sure they get pizza, water, swag, etc.


Job Location: State House Lawn - Main Stage
Volunteer Check-in Location: Volunteer Tent, New Hampshire State House near Capitol St., 107 North Main Street, Concord NH

Course Band Roadie High Priority

May 7, 2025


Pick up pizza for bands and deliver pizza and water via car to all band locations. Make sure bands have what they need (2 member team with 1 car preferable).
This task is password protected. Contact if you are interested in volunteering for this position


Job Location: 5K Course
Volunteer Check-in Location: Volunteer Tent, New Hampshire State House near Capitol St., 107 North Main Street, Concord NH

Resources Needed

car - 1 - 2

Finish Line Backup Timers High Priority

May 7, 2025


Be a backup timer for runners at the finish line
Who Can Volunteer: Adults or children 14 years or older (children under 18 need written permission from their parents)
This task is password protected. Contact if you are interested in volunteering for this position


Job Location: State House Lawn - Finish Line booth
Volunteer Check-in Location: Volunteer Tent, New Hampshire State House near Capitol St., 107 North Main Street, Concord NH

Water Volunteers Medium Priority

May 7, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Hand out water to participants who have just crossed the finish line
Who Can Volunteer: Adults or children 14 years or older (children under 18 need written permission from their parents)


Job Location: State House Lawn
Volunteer Check-in Location: Volunteer Tent, New Hampshire State House near Capitol St., 107 North Main Street, Concord NH

Food Tent Volunteers Medium Priority

May 7, 2025


Help restaurants set up and serve food to race participants. Adults or children 14 years or older (children under 18 need written permission from their parents)


Job Location: State House Lawn
Volunteer Check-in Location: Volunteer Tent, New Hampshire State House near Capitol St., 107 North Main Street, Concord NH

Finish Line: Announcer Assistant High Priority

May 7, 2025


Help the announcer with runner's names at the finish line. You'll read bib numbers, type them into a computer to look them up so announcer can say names of participants coming across the finish line.
Who Can Volunteer: Adults or older teens (children under 18 need written permission from their parents)
This task is password protected. Contact if you are interested in volunteering for this position


Job Location: State House Lawn - Finish Line next to announcer
Volunteer Check-in Location: Volunteer Tent, New Hampshire State House near Capitol St., 107 North Main Street, Concord NH

Rock Star Photo Assistants Medium Priority

May 7, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Assist the photographer with Rock Star Team photos. You will receive a list of current Rock Star Teams the day of the Race and the teams will have received photo time slots and locations before race day. Welcome them, verify they are Rock Star Teams, help them organize for the photo., etc.


Job Location: State House Lawn

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