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Race Day Non-Course

Race Day Registration and Check-In

You must be 13 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 2, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Registration and check-In volunteer duties may include:
- Helping new participants register
- Providing runners with their race packets (race number, t-shirt, race bag)
- Using race-provided hardware to check-in pre-registered participants
- Answering of basic race-related questions

This position may require some light lifting up to 30 lbs.

All volunteers will receive a free entry to one of select future CRC-sponsored races after the race AND a wristband for Sunday entry into the Expo.

Finish Line

March 2, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Be the first to greet participants as they cross the finish line!

Finish line area volunteer duties may include:
- Medal distribution - handing out medals and rewarding participants for their accomplishments!
- Water distribution - helping tired participants stay hydrated after they finish

This position may require some light lifting up to 30 lbs.

All volunteers will receive a free entry to one of select future CRC-sponsored races after the race AND a wristband for Sunday entry into the Expo.

Data Entry

You must be 13 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 2, 2025

This volunteer task is full.


Help our results team enter data from the bench area.

Data entry volunteer duties may include:
- Reading provided bench cards
- Entering appropriate data into a shared database

This position requires basic computer skills.

All volunteers will receive a free entry to one of select future CRC-sponsored races after the race AND a wristband for Sunday entry into the Expo.

Race Day On-Course

Course Marshal

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

March 2, 2025


Course marshals help by keeping runners on the course and safe. Police officers should be on hand at each intersection to manage traffic but are not responsible for participant route instruction. Course marshals will assist at key points in making sure runners stay on the course and take all proper turns.

Course marshal volunteer duties include:
- A proper understanding of the course (all route assistants will be provided with a course map, and a detailed duty assignment for their specific area)
- Working with present law enforcement to keep runners safe from vehicular traffic
- Wear bright comfortable clothing

Specific start/end times may vary slightly based on location along the race route, but will not exceed the times listed here.

All volunteers will receive a free entry to one of select future CRC-sponsored races after the race AND a wristband for Sunday entry into the Expo.

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