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Event Administration & Management

Packet Pickup Medium Priority

April 2, 2025

April 3, 2025

April 4, 2025

April 5, 2025

This volunteer task is full.



This team works together to efficiently distribute bibs, shirts and packets to registered runners while answering general race questions. Transportation, setup and teardown of tables and supplies may be required.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Varies depending on time slot:
* April 2, 2025: Lucky Road Run Shop located at 1601 Willow Lawn Drive in Richmond, VA
* April 3, 2025: Lucky Road Run Shop located at 1865 Carl D. Silver Pkwy in Fredericksburg, VA
* April 4, 2025: Finish Line Sheetz located at 17188 Owens Drive in Dahlgren, VA
* April 5, 2025: O'Reilly Auto Parts located at 10032 Arnold's Corner Ct in King George, VA (adjacent to the Start Line Sheetz)

Race Day Check-In Low Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.



This team will distribute a Hydrapak Speedcup to each runner at the start line. Volunteers must report no later than 6:45 a.m. on race day. The task is complete at 8:05 a.m.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Start Line Sheetz located at 8206 Kings Hwy, King George, VA, (and/or adjacent O'Reilly Auto Parts property).

Merchandise and Raffle Sales Medium Priority

April 2, 2025

April 3, 2025

April 4, 2025

April 5, 2025

This volunteer task is full.



This volunteer will set up and manage the race merchandise store for packet pickup events and/or race day, depending upon the time slot. He/she will sell raffle tickets as well as event merchandise. On race day, the volunteer will also manage the raffle drawing by selecting & announcing winners and distributing prizes. Training using the Square terminal will be provided.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Varies depending on time slot:
* April 2, 2025, Packet Pickup #1: Lucky Road Run Shop located at 1601 Willow Lawn Drive in Richmond, VA
* April 3, 2025, Packet Pickup #2: Lucky Road Run Shop located at 1865 Carl D. Silver Pkwy in Fredericksburg, VA
* April 4, 2025, Packet Pickup #3: Finish Line Sheetz located at 17188 Owens Drive in Dahlgren, VA (indoors)
* April 5, 2025: Finish Line Sheetz located at 17188 Owens Drive in Dahlgren, VA (finisher tent)

Volunteer Host Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.



This volunteer will manage the volunteer tent at the start and finish lines on race day. This includes volunteer check-in, swag distribution, volunteer food/drink management, and answering general questions. Teardown, transport, and setup of the tent, supplies and signage between start and finish lines will be required (assistance provided). The volunteer must report to the Start Line Sheetz no later than 6:30 a.m. on race day.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Start Line (6:30 - 8:30 a.m.): KGMS Sheetz at 8206 Kings Hwy, King George, VA
Finish Line (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.): Dahlgren Sheetz at 17188 Owens Drive, Dahlgren, VA

Packet & Bag Prep Low Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.



This team will work in assembly line fashion to fill runner packets with sponsor hand-outs and other items prior to packet pickup. They will also individually pack S'more kits and Peeps for the Campsite Aid Station. Dinner will be provided.

No volunteer shirt is required or provided for this position.

Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Race Director's home in King George

Start and Finish Line

Start/Finish Line Manager High Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.



This volunteer works closely with the Race Director to help coordinate start and finish line execution.

START: Coordinate start to ensure event starts on time; monitor bus & registration status (via radio); keep announcer and KGSO informed of start time; manage orderly loading of starter corrals; release runners in waves, assertively directing runners/volunteers as needed; ensure return of traffic barricades to KGSO; direct tear-down and transport of supplies and equipment to the finish line.

FINISH: Coordinate the rapid setup of equipment and supplies at finish line including start/finish truss, traffic cones, signage and canopies; ensure all structures, volunteers and supplies are in position at finish prior to arrival of first runner; maintain contact with course marshals to ensure first and last runners are tracked as well as adaptive athlete teams; ensure first male, female, and each adaptive athlete team are recognized by announcer and greeters; safeguard trophies and prizes; record winners and present trophies and prizes; prevent bottlenecks by ensuring runners keep moving through the finisher chute.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Start Line (6:30 - 8:30 a.m.): KGMS Sheetz at 8206 Kings Hwy, King George, VA
Finish Line (8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.): Dahlgren Sheetz at 17188 Owens Drive, Dahlgren, VA

Finish Line Greeter (RESERVED) High Priority

At least 3 more volunteers needed.




This team enthusiastically cheers for approaching runners, congratulates finishers, efficiently distributes finisher swag (i.e., mugs, finisher bags, towels, etc.), and directs runners through the finisher chute to avoid bottlenecks. The team is responsible for setting up supplies at the finish line, unpacking materials, and discarding boxes and packing material. Team members may also be called upon to assist with other tasks around the finish line such as setup or trash collection.
Team members will be provided a special military-style jersey to wear over clothing (must be returned).

Timeline (Saturday, April 5, 2025):
8:30 AM - Arrive at Finish Line Sheetz in Dahlgren (across from B Gate) to set up supplies and help erect the finish line structure
9:15 AM - Be fully set up to greet first finishers
12:30 PM - Event end - assist with cleanup

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Finish Line Sheetz located at 17188 Owens Drive in Dahlgren, VA

Spotter Low Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.



This volunteer will be equipped with a two-way radio, binoculars, and a chair. He/she will be positioned approximately 100-200 yards from the finish line along the course. As much as practical, the spotter will radio the bib numbers of approaching runners to the announcer for individual recognition at the finish line.

Saturday, April 5, 2025
9:25 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


100-200 yards from finish line at the Finish Line Sheetz Store located at 17188 Owens Drive in Dahlgren, VA.

Bag Drop (RESERVED) Medium Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.




This team will collect and tag runner bags at the start line, drive them to the finish line in a Bayside Auto vehicle, and distribute the bags as runners return. Bag supplies and flag will be provided.

Start line: 6:50 a.m. - 8:15 a.m.
Finish line: 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


* Start Line (6:50 - 8:15 a.m.): KGMS Sheetz at 8206 Kings Hwy, King George, VA
* Finish Line (9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.): Dahlgren Sheetz at 17188 Owens Drive, Dahlgren, VA

Parking Shuttle Drivers (RESERVED) Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.




Using 1-2 Bayside Auto Group vehicles, this team will transport runners and spectators to/from the finish line Sheetz to event parking at King George Gateway Shopping Center with potential stops at Dahlgren hotels. The parking shuttle will operate continuously from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Two-way radios will be provided to stay in touch with the Shuttle Manager.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Finish Line (9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.): Dahlgren Sheetz at 17188 Owens Drive, Dahlgren, VA

Shuttle Manager High Priority

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.



This volunteer coordinates two distinct runner shuttle programs on race day:
1) Work with bus provider to coordinate bus driver assignments, ensure transportation shuttles are in the appropriate locations at the appropriate times on race day, direct the loading of buses, release buses, communicate status to race staff, and collect metrics on a provided log sheet.

2) Work with Bayside Auto parking shuttle volunteers to ensure efficient transportation of runners and spectators from the finish line area to the parking area. Direct/inform runners to include pedestrian options to return to the parking area.

Two-way radio will be provided.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


The volunteer will serve in two different locations:
* 6:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.: Event parking area (King George Gateway Shopping Center located at Merchant Lane in Dahlgren, across from T.J Maxi)
* 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.: Finish line Sheetz at 17188 Owens Drive, Dahlgren, VA

Aid Stations

Aid Station Coordinator High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.



This volunteer coordinates the activities of four aid station teams stationed along the course. Responsibilities include:
* Ensure each team is trained on equipment, setup, procedures and timelines (to include special procedures for cupless racing)
* Ensure each team is equipped with necessary supplies
* Coordinate details with each team to include parking, equipment hand-off, theme, decorations, etc.
* Assign tasks to team members as needed
* With Food & Beverage Manager, coordinate delivery of materials, supplies, food and drink to each aid station team
* Coordinate with Friends of DRHT and Aid Station 2 team to arrange for a safe camp fire
* On race day, monitor staffing and operations of each aid station team
* Ensure equipment and leftovers are delivered to the appropriate location promptly
* Ensure each aid station log sheet is completed and returned to the Race Director

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.

Aid Station Worker - Pie Stop Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.



This is Aid Station #1 of 4 at mile 3.14 (pi) of the course. Volunteers will serve pre-packaged mini fruit pies, water, and electrolyte drinks to runners.

Aid Station Workers should be energetic volunteers who work as a team to create a "party zone" atmosphere by greeting and cheering runners while serving snacks and drinks. Because this is a CUPLESS event, volunteers will be actively serving water and electrolyte drinks from pitchers and must take care to avoid runner back-ups and keep participants moving along. Volunteer teams will work together to set up and tear down the aid station, decorate, collect trash, communicate with race coordinators, and track metrics on a log sheet. Training will be provided.

To meet approaching runners, all Pie Stop Aid Station workers must be in place and set up by 8:20 a.m. The last runner is expected to pass through at approximately 9:20 a.m., at which time the aid station may be closed. The team will be expected to promptly deliver leftover food and drink to the Finish Line Sheetz in Dahlgren.

Access: The most direct access point is where Tomahawk Drive intersects the trail. From there, turn right and drive approximately 0.8 miles northwest. The trail is narrow here and will support one medium-size car.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


This aid station is located directly on the narrow course in the woods at mile marker 3.14 (pi). The site is somewhat remote and requires a short 0.8-mile drive along the trail to a small parking/turn-around spot. There is only room for 1-2 mid-size vehicles to bring equipment, supplies, and volunteers.

Please allow sufficient time to travel to the site, park, and set up to be ready to serve approaching runners no later than 8:20 a.m.

Aid Station Worker - Campsite (RESERVED FOR KITTY HAWK TECHNOLOGIES) Medium Priority

At least 4 more volunteers needed.



This is Aid Station #2 of 4 at mile 6.2 of the course. Volunteers will serve pre-packaged S'mores kits, Peeps, water, and electrolyte drinks to runners.

Aid Station Workers should be energetic volunteers who work as a team to create a "party zone" atmosphere by greeting and cheering runners while serving snacks and drinks. Because this is a CUPLESS event, volunteers will be actively serving water and electrolyte drinks from pitchers and must take care to avoid runner back-ups and keep participants moving along. Volunteer teams will work together to set up and tear down the aid station, decorate, collect trash, communicate with race coordinators, and track metrics on a log sheet. Training will be provided.

To meet approaching runners, all Campsite Aid Station workers must be in place and set up by 8:40 a.m. The last runner is expected to pass through at approximately 9:45 a.m., at which time the aid station may be closed. The team will be expected to promptly deliver leftover food and drink to the Finish Line Sheetz in Dahlgren.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


This aid station is located directly on a widened area of the trail 0.4 miles east of the Indiantown Road (Rt. 610) trailhead and parking area. There is room for 3-4 vehicles at the parking area or campsite to bring equipment, supplies, and volunteers.

Volunteer access: Indiantown Road Trailhead

Please allow sufficient time to travel to the site, park, and set up to be ready to serve approaching runners no later than 8:40 a.m.

Aid Station Worker - Meadows Medium Priority

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.



This is Aid Station #3 of 4 at mile 10.2 of the course. Volunteers will serve pre-packaged fruit snacks and water to runners.

Aid Station Workers should be energetic volunteers who work as a team to create a "party zone" atmosphere by greeting and cheering runners while serving snacks and drinks. Because this is a CUPLESS event, volunteers will be actively serving water and electrolyte drinks from pitchers and must take care to avoid runner back-ups and keep participants moving along. Volunteer teams will work together to set up and tear down the aid station, decorate, collect trash, communicate with race coordinators, and track metrics on a log sheet. Training will be provided.

To meet approaching runners, Meadows Aid Station workers must be in place and set up by 9:10 a.m. The last runner is expected to pass through at approximately 11:00 a.m., at which time the aid station may be closed. The team will be expected to promptly deliver leftover food and drink to the Finish Line Sheetz in Dahlgren.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


This aid station is located in the Meadows neighborhood in King George where Panorama Drive intersects the Dahlgren Railroad Heritage Trail. There is only room for one vehicle to bring equipment, supplies, and volunteers.

Volunteer access: Panorama Drive trail intersection.

Please allow sufficient time to travel to the site, park, and set up to be ready to serve approaching runners no later than 9:10 a.m.

Aid Station Worker - Pretzel Stop Medium Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.



This is Aid Station #4 of 4 at mile 12.5 of the course. Volunteers will serve soft pretzel bites, water, and electrolyte drinks to runners.

Aid Station Workers should be energetic volunteers who work as a team to create a "party zone" atmosphere by greeting and cheering runners while serving snacks and drinks. Because this is a CUPLESS event, volunteers will be actively serving water and electrolyte drinks from pitchers and must take care to avoid runner back-ups and keep participants moving along. Volunteer teams will work together to set up and tear down the aid station, decorate, collect trash, communicate with race coordinators, and track metrics on a log sheet. Training will be provided.

To meet approaching runners, all Pretzel Stop Aid Station workers must be in place and set up by 9:20 a.m. The last runner is expected to pass through at approximately 11:45 a.m., at which time the aid station may be closed. The team will be expected to promptly deliver leftover food and drink to the Finish Line Sheetz in Dahlgren.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


This aid station is located along the rear parking lot of Little Ark Baptist Church at 15681 Owens Dr, King George, VA. There is ample paved parking to bring equipment, supplies, and volunteers.

Volunteer access: Please park at behind Little Ark Baptist Church at the rear of the parking lot adjacent to the course.

Please allow sufficient time to travel to the site, park, and set up to be ready to serve approaching runners no later than 9:20 a.m.

Food and Beverage Manager High Priority

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.



The Food & Beverage Manager is responsible for the collection, distribution, monitoring, and restocking of water, Tailwind, and food across four aid stations, the start line, and finish line. He/she will arrange the pick up of food, beverages, and supplies from the Race Director and suppliers in the King George and Fredericksburg area. He/she will store, transport, and distribute to volunteer teams, coordinators and race course locations as needed. The volunteer will also coordinate with Sheetz staff and other suppliers to keep the start line, finish line and volunteer tents stocked with food and drinks.

This volunteer works closely with the Race Director, Aid Station Coordinator, Start & Finish Line Manager(s), and Volunteer Host to arrange deliveries of food, beverages and supplies and the collection of leftovers. He/she will schedule delivery and return of water bottles, carts, and dispensers with the event sponsor, Culligan Water. He/she will ensure leftover food and drink are transported to the finish line food and drink station. He/she will collect and complete food and drink logs sheets for the start and finish lines to better inform the planning and purchasing of items in the future.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.

Event Production

Build Crew High Priority

April 3, 2025

April 4, 2025

April 5, 2025



The build crew is responsible for the overall setup, teardown, and clean up of the course including start and finish line areas and aid stations. A variety of jobs are available in time slots before and during the race.

Three timeslots:

* Thursday, April 3, 2025, 8 AM - 3 PM: Finish chute build, start line build, bridge banner and select signage & fencing
* Friday, April 4, 2025, 8 AM - 3 PM: Trail marking, signage, supply deliveries along entire course
* Saturday, April 5, 2025, 7 AM - 2 PM: Position start/finish truss & barriers, teardown & transport, place remaining course elements, set up truss at finish line, teardown finish line area, return equipment and supplies to Race Director home.

No volunteer shirt is required or provided for pre-race time slots.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Start Line: KGMS Sheetz at 8206 Kings Hwy, King George, VA
Finish Line: Dahlgren Sheetz at 17188 Owens Drive, Dahlgren, VA

Litter Cleanup Team Low Priority

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.



Prior to race day, team members will collect trash on the O'Reilly Auto Parts property, the first 1.5 miles of the course route (westbound Kings Highway and northbound Comorn Road) and the last 0.1 miles of the course, including the finish line area. Team members may coordinate with VDOT to schedule a trash collection date, ensuring bags are collected prior to race day. High-visibility safety vests, gloves and bags will be provided. Volunteers must provide their own transportation.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


O'Reilly Auto Parts: 10032 Arnold's Corner Ct, King George, VA 22485

First 1.5 miles of the course along the right (westbound) shoulder of Kings Highway and the right (northbound) shoulder of Comorn Road.

Along the DRHT's final 0.1 miles approaching the Dahlgren Sheetz (up to10 feet off the trail on either side)

Equipment Inventory and Storage Low Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.



This team will meet the day after the race to clean, inventory, organize, repair, return, and store all race equipment.

Sunday, April 6, 2025, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

No volunteer shirt is required or provided for this position.

** When registering, be sure to the the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Race Director's home in King George

Traffic and Safety

Traffic & Safety Coordinator High Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.



This volunteer ensures the traffic management plan detailed in the event's approved VDOT special event application is executed fully, safely and on-time; coordinates with all traffic and safety personnel to include the hired traffic management service provider, traffic control volunteers, and KG Amateur Radio Operators (KGARO) to reserve, confirm and direct work; communicates assignments and distributes equipment to volunteer traffic teams; coordinates with the KGARO team to ensure communications links are established between the start/finish lines and course checkpoints; ensures professional traffic management personnel set up in time and in accordance with the permit; and communicates readiness to Race Director at start.

The volunteer will review the traffic plan with the Race Director; will pick up, distribute, collect and return equipment and signage; and will ensure the traffic management team is properly equipped and trained.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Various points along the course.

Traffic Control - Team 1 Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.



Traffic control team members will work together to ensure signs are positioned on race day to improve runner safety. Equipped with safety vests and slow/stop paddle signs and flags, each volunteer will position at key intersections at the appropriate time to ensure oncoming traffic slows or stops to allow runners to safely pass. At least one member of this team must provide transportation for the team to get to their assigned intersection(s) on time and to haul highway signs and other equipment. Volunteers will also collect and return highway signs and other equipment after the race.

Safety vest, signage, and a detailed race day itinerary will be provided.

Team 1's assignments include Kings Highway at the start and then the Indiantown Road intersection. With input from the Traffic and Safety Coordinator, this team may be asked to pre-deploy signage before the race or the evening before.

TIMELINE: 7:30 - 10:00 a.m.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Start line area to include Kings Highway business and intersections
Indiantown Road intersection

Traffic Control - Team 2 Medium Priority

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.



Traffic control team members will work together to ensure signs are positioned on race day to improve runner safety. Equipped with safety vests and slow/stop paddle signs and flags, each volunteer will position at key intersections at the appropriate time to ensure oncoming traffic slows or stops to allow runners to safely pass. At least one member of this team must provide transportation for the team to get to their assigned intersection(s) on time and to haul highway signs and other equipment. Volunteers will also collect and return highway signs and other equipment after the race.

Safety vest, signage, and a detailed race day itinerary will be provided.

Team 2's assignments include smaller, more remote intersections including Muscoe Place and the Meadows neighborhood. This team is not expected to have highway signs to deploy or collect. In the Meadows neighborhood, the team will split up with one covering the Panorama Drive intersection and the other covering the nearby Deep Cove Landing. An aid station is located at Deep Cove

TIMELINE: 7:30 - 11:00 a.m.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Muscoe Place intersection.
Meadows neighborhood (Panorama, Deep Cove)

Traffic Control - Team 3 Medium Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.



Traffic control team members will work together to ensure signs are positioned on race day to improve runner safety. Equipped with safety vests and slow/stop paddle signs and flags, each volunteer will position at key intersections at the appropriate time to ensure oncoming traffic slows or stops to allow runners to safely pass. At least one member of this team must provide transportation to get to their assigned intersection(s) on time and to haul highway signs and other equipment. Volunteers will also collect and return highway signs and other equipment after the race.

Safety vest, signage, and a detailed race day itinerary will be provided.

Team 3 is assigned to work exclusively at the Owens Drive intersection, communicating frequently with race staff at the nearby finish line. With guidance from the Traffic and Safety Coordinator, this team may be asked to pre-deploy signage before the race or the evening before.

** Because this is a later timeslot, it's well-suited to those volunteering for other tasks that wrap up at or near the race start. **

TIMELINE: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Owens Drive intersection

Bike Support High Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.



The bike support team works together to lead runners along the course, cycling through the pack, rendering assistance as needed and keeping the race staff apprised of race conditions.

Volunteers arrive at the start line by 7:30 a.m. One rider will lead the first wave of runners from the start line, across Kings Highway (closed by KGSO), through the running corridor, onto Comorn Road, and to the DRHT trailhead. The rider must travel within the cone-designated running lane along Kings Highway to lead runners. Other riders will lead subsequent waves in a similar manner. Once on the trail, the team will work together to transition through the pack, safely passing runners and ensuring there's always at least one bike in front of the pack. As needed, volunteers will coordinate with on-course radio operators to call for emergency services. A separate course sweep will monitor the rear of the pack, so there's no need for a bike to follow the last runner/walker.

Bikes must yield to runners and take extreme care not to impede, startle, crowd or contact race participants, running dogs, or volunteers. Each volunteer must provide his or her own trail-ready bike, tire repair kit, helmet and hydration. Each volunteer must also carry a charged cell phone able to call the Race Director and/or 911 as needed. Each bike will carry a first aid kit (provided).

Timeline: 7:30 a.m. until approximately 12:30 p.m.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Start: Start line Sheetz (8206 Kings Highway)
Traverse entire 14-mile course
End: Dahlgren Sheetz (17188 Owens Drive)

Course Sweep High Priority

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.



The Course Sweep will use his or her own truck to slowly drive the entire race course (including the DRHT) behind the last runner/walker starting at the KGMS Sheetz. A placard will be provided granting permission to drive the DRHT, removing and replacing posts as needed. The truck must be trail-worthy with high clearance and a full tank of gas. The driver may experience encroaching vegetation and sticks along the trail.

While tailing the last runner, the volunteer will stop and collect signs, tables, trash, and other equipment along the way, protecting signage in provided storage cases. Some sign removal will require tools. The volunteer may be called upon to offer runner assistance to include contacting emergency services, distributing first aid supplies (kit provided) or offering a ride to those who cannot finish. The driver will check in with the Race Director or designee at least once every half hour to provide a location update of the last runner. Post-race, the driver will dispose of collected trash and will deliver all collected supplies and equipment to the home of the race director in central King George.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Start Line (7:30 a.m.): KGMS Sheetz at 8206 Kings Hwy, King George, VA
Finish Line (~12:30 p.m.): Dahlgren Sheetz at 17188 Owens Drive, Dahlgren, VA

Runner Pick Up Low Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.



This volunteer must be available along the course from 9:30 AM -12:30 PM on race day to be dispatched in his or her personal vehicle to any trail intersection to pick up a runner requesting transport to the finish line.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.

First Aid Low Priority

You must be 21 or older to volunteer for this task.

At least 1 more volunteer needed.



EMT, paramedic or similar professional to assess and treat minor injuries and conditions such as cuts, scrapes, dehydration, etc. A first aid kit will be provided. The volunteer must have a fully charged phone to call 911, if needed.

First Aid signs, flags, armbands, vests or similar visibility items will be provided.


Varies by assignment:
1) Aid Station #2, campsite - 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
2) Finish Line Sheetz, 17188 Owens Drive, Dahlgren, VA - 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Media Relations

Event Photographer High Priority

Minimum met, 2 volunteer spots remaining.



On race day, between 7:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., experienced photographers will take well-composed images throughout the day from various locations along the course using their own equipment. Specific assignments may include:

* Start Line
* Finish Line
* Finisher Photo Booth
* Little Ark Baptist Church Aid Station

After the conclusion of the race, photographers will process and upload photos within 5 days, if possible. Images will be posted to the race's online photo gallery without restrictions or watermarks. Proper photographic credits will be given.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Various points along the course.

Drone Photographer High Priority

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.



This position is for the gathering of professional aerial photos and video along the course. It also includes capturing non-race day footage (B-roll) along the DRHT.

Volunteers must possess a valid drone pilot certification and provide own equipment. After the conclusion of the race, drone photographers will process and upload photos and videos within 5 days, if possible. Raw media or edited footage may be posted to the race's web sites without restrictions or watermarks. Proper photographic credits will be given.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Various points along the course.

Videographer Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.



On race day, between 7:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., experienced videographers will capture closeup actions and reactions along the course from various locations: race start line, road intersections, aid stations, Little Ark Baptist Church, finish line/chute, photo booth, inside Sheetz, etc. Video footage must be horizontal and at least 1080p resolution (4k preferred).

Volunteer must provide own transportation. If more than 1 volunteer registers, please coordinate with each other to ensure maximum course coverage.

After the conclusion of the race, videographers will process and upload photos and videos within 5 days, if possible. Raw media or edited footage may be posted to the race's web sites without restrictions or watermarks. Proper photographic credits will be given.

** When registering, be sure to hit the final CONFIRM button at the end.


Various points along the course.

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