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Run Washington - Area Code Virtual Fall Challenge

Thu October 1 - Thu December 31 Seattle, WA 98199 US

Run Western States


  AREA CODE RUN             RUN WASHINGTON                    RUN OREGON                  RUN CALIFORNIA


The Run Washington -Area Code Virtual Fall Challenge is an opportunity for participants to continue to stay healthy and active while achieving mileage goals "virtually".

What exactly is the Run Washington Area Code Virtual Fall Challenge? In a nutshell - runners from all over the world can run across the State of Washington "virtually" between October 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020.

We've created multiple "challenges" to keep you running and staying healthy. Each challenge has a different area code theme and mileage to complete putting the runner "virtually" in that location. At the completion of each chosen event, participants will earn #RUNWA Swag in the form of a custom race bib, race shirt/race tank and custom challenge medal!

Each of the five separate challenges represent different iconic parts of our great state that are represented within specific area codes including mountains, lakes, city skylines, tranquil farmland and raging rivers! With each challenge comes a separate, fully customized completion medal and running shirt representing that part of the state and completed challenge.

Looking for additional SWAG? Complete all five separate challenges to complete the Run Washington Area Code Virtual Fall Challenge. You did it! You've run the entire state! Your reward? A custom Run Washington Running Beanie Hat and the 6th medal - the coveted Run Washington Area Code Fall Challenge Medal in the shape of our great state - Washington!

Register now as a solo participant or as a team of 2+ participants (your team will work together to complete the mileage goal for your challenge) and start running, walking or biking to complete your Run Washington goals!

(That's right, running, walking 🏃 🏃‍♀️ and biking miles 🚴 🚴‍♀️ all count!)

Stay healthy and keep running Washington!

**Disclaimer: Please do not run on unsafe roads, or areas that have been closed to the public. Practice social distancing and any other requirements set forth by local, state and federal guidelines.


Swag and Medals

See below of images of the Run Washington Fall Challenge Running Shirts! Images of medals are located within the descriptions of each area code challenge category!

Check out the Swag

Run Washington Area Code Long Sleeve Men's and Women's Shirts

All participants who complete one of the area code challenges will receive a completion medal and gender specific long sleeve running top.

All participants who complete the Run Washington Fall Challenge will receive all 5 area code medals, a bonus Run Washington medal, long sleeve running top (you pick your area code!) and reversible running beanie!

*Click on the PDF before to get specs on both Women's and Men's Long Sleeve Shirts (material and sizing) 

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Bonus SWAG for Run WA Fall Challenge Participants!

Run Washington - Reversible Running Beanie! (One side Black one side green) 


Run 206 - Lake Washington 62 Mile Challenge

The 206 Challenge will take you around Lake Washington, the largest lake in King County and second largest in Washington State (Lake Chelan is #1). Your 206 adventure starts at the famous Gas Works Park. This park was once a gasification plant and as of 2013 was added to the National Register of Historic Places as the only remaining location with remnants of a coal gasification plant in the US. From here, you’ll exit the park and begin your run on the Burke-Gilman Trail, a 27-mile long abandoned railway corridor. From here, you’ll run north, with the lake to your right and tree covered landscape to your left. By mile 11 you’ve reached the north edge of the lake in Kenmore before turning south. From here, you’ll continue along Juanita Dr through Saint Edward Park and other woodlands areas before reaching Juanita Bay and Juanita Beach Park in Kirkland. You’ll continue south along the lake’s edge before entering downtown Kirkland and Marina Park. You’ll follow the lake and Lake Washington Blvd through Hunts Point, Yarrow Bay and Medina. Exiting Medina you’ll run next to Meydenbauer Bay and into Bellevue. Near the south end of Bellevue you’ll connect to the Lake Washington Loop Trail continuing south along the lake and into Renton. Immediately entering Renton you’ll pass the VMAC, site of the Seattle Seahawks Football Team’s practice facility. Past the VMAC you’ll cruise through Gene Coulon Park, home to Renton’s 4th of July Fireworks show. After this, you’ll run around Boeing’s Renton Manufacturing Facilities and testing airport at the southern tip of Lake Washington. From here, you’ll run north, with Lake Washington to your right, continuing along the tree lined streets of the Rainier Valley and Seward Park. One quick 3-mile loop around Seward Park, with the lake always next to you and you’re back on Lake Washington Blvd, passing many parks and small beach areas. Entering the Madison Park neighborhood, you’ll continue through Seattle’s Arboretum & Botanic Gardens. From here you’ll continue along Montlake Cut, heading to the east lake neighborhood before finishing at Lake Union Park directly south, across Lake Union from where you started at Gas Works Park.

Yep, we know parts of this route are in the 425 but this run with such epic views was one we couldn’t pass up!

Run 253 - Galloping Gertie 46 Mile Challenge

The 253 Challenge will take you on a 46-mile tour of Tacoma. Starting at Dash Point State Park, you’ll begin your journey west along Dash Point Rd winding along the water through the Browns Point neighborhood. As for follow Marine View Dr along the water; Tacoma’s skyline will be off in the distance. As you wrap around the Port of Tacoma you’ll circle the Tacoma Dome and pass America’s Car Museum before approaching downtown Tacoma. From here you’ll pass the Chihuly Museum of Glass and University of Washington, Tacoma as you run along Pacific Ave through downtown Tacoma. Continuing west, you’ll continue along the waterfront through Tacoma’s Ruston Way and waterfront. Through Ruston you’ll arrive at Point Defiance. From here you’ll follow Five Mile Rd, looping through the park with amazing views of the sound throughout tree-lined quiet roadways. Before exiting the park, you’ll stroll through Point Defiance Zoo, between the different exhibits. Upon exiting, you’ll continue south through multiple Tacoma neighborhoods before reaching Cheney Stadium, home of the Tacoma Rainiers and OL Reign. From here you’ll pass through the Fircrest Community running towards the water again. Once there, your route will take you through Chambers Bay Regional Park and Golf Course along the water. Heading north you’ll pass through University Place and Titlow Park before finding your way to your final destination, standing atop the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, smack dab in the middle as you take in views of the Narrows and skyline surrounding you!

Run 360 - Olympic National Park 113 Mile Challenge

Your 360 challenge takes you to Port Angeles as the entrance to Olympic National Park. You’ll start at the Olympic National Park information center before beginning your journey up Hurricane Ridge Rd. As you continue along the road, at mile 5 you’ll reach Heart O’ The Hills Campground, a great place to camp while exploring the park. Continuing on by mile 19 you’ve made it to Hurricane Ridge, a great place to take in amazing views from all around. From here you’ll continue on your journey through Olympic National Park following the Wolf Creek Trail towards Whiskey Bend and Windy Arm in the Alwha Valley. Continuing on, you’ll switch to the Elwha River Trail you’ll start to circle the Olympic Mountains. At mile 54, you’ll pass Lake Mary and Lake Margaret before moving to the North Fork Quinault River Trail. From here, along the trail you’ll follow the north fork of the Quinault River passing Mt. Seattle and Mt. Queets on your right with Mt. Olympus towering above and Mt. Christie on the other. From here, you’ll then pass Mt. Lawson as you continue down the mountain ranges. At mile 73, where the north fork connects to the Quinault River you’ll continue west along the N Shore Rd on the north side of the Quinault River. At mile 83 you’ll reach Lake Quinault, following the lakeshore for about 3 miles. From here you’ll follow State Route 101 through the Quinault Reservation as you make your way to the coastline. From here you’ll run alongside the Queets River before entering the town of Queets. Once through Queets, your last mile will run along the Pacific Ocean before ending on the beach at Kalaloch South Beach Campground. A great place to stay for the night while taking in the sites and sounds of Olympic National Park and the Pacific Ocean!

Run 425 - Mountain To Sound 62 Mile Challenge

The Run Washington 425 Challenge finds you standing at the top of Snoqualmie Pass, right at Snoqualmie visitor center. From here, you’ll start heading east to Hyak where you’ll connect to the Iron Horse Trail. The Iron Horse Trail, a former railroad line converted to hiking/biking/running trail cuts through Snoqualmie, providing a relatively flat run which includes the famous Snoqualmie Tunnel, a 2-mile long converted rail tunnel provides a bit of air conditioning before starting your descent. Once through, multiple miles of breathtaking views will greet you from high above the old rail line as you descend to the west. By mile 20, you’ve entered the town of Ragnar continuing through Olallie State Park, Iron Horse State Park and Rattlesnake Lake. Approaching North Bend, Rattlesnake Mountain will be to your left. Leaving the trail, you’ll run through Riverfront Park, along the Snoqualmie River continuing towards Snoqualmie as you pass through tranquil farmland. Continuing west, you’ll pass through Historic Snoqualmie, a town once known for its logging operations, Snoqualmie is where a lot of the regions family Christmas Trees come from. As you exit town, the 425 route takes you to Snoqualmie Falls. This famous waterfall sees over 1.5 million visitors annually and is 270 feet tall and once even appeared on the television show Twin Peaks. After leaving, you’ll follow the Preston-Snoqualmie Trail, continuing west through the towns of Fall City, Preston and others before arriving in Issaquah’s Olde Town area. Running through Issaquah at mile 50, you’ll head to Cougar Mountain, running the famous trails before descending the north portion to Cougar Mountain Zoo. Here, you’ll make a quick run through the zoo before running along the roads of Newport, under Interstate 90 and to your final destination, Lake Sammamish State Park.

Find a comfortable spot on the beach and enjoy the water as you watch the sun set on your 425 Challenge!

Run 509 - Golden Fields To Raging Rivers 67 Mile Challenge

Your 509 Challenge starts in Eastern Washington near the Idaho border, along the Palouse River in the city of Palouse Washington. The city, founded in 1875, is named after the Palouse Region in which it sits. A region known for its fertile farmlands and ability to grow vast amount of crops including wheat, barley and many vegetables. Your journey through the 509 starts outside the Roy Chatters Newspaper Museum before where you can see printing presses dating back to 1887 in action. Heading north along the quiet roads of Palouse, you exit the town, following the Palouse River. As you follow the river you find yourself running through farmland, the river close by as you weave been different crops and farmers tending to the land. By Mile 18 you reach Steptoe Butte State Park. Here, above the land, you’ll see unique views of the landscape and actually marks the westernmost point of the North American Continent at one point in time. If you stay long enough atop this 3,612-foot summit the colors seem to shift and change as the light moves across the land, but you have more running to do. It’s off to our next destination. Continuing north, the next town you run through is Oakesdale. Oakesdale is home to the only intact flourmill remaining in the Palouse region which previously boasted dozens mixed throughout the farmland. Following 271, throughout the farmland you next visit Rosalia, site of the Battle of Steptoe and Steptoe Battlefield. Your next 25 miles, through the Palouse, will be lined with farmland, typically as you go by, farmers will label their crops from the roadside for everyone to see the many different crops that are grown throughout their farms and the region. Nearing Spokane, you know you’re close as the farmland begins to fade and you begin running through neighborhood communities, parks, playfields and more until you enter the downtown area of Spokane. Once in Spokane, weaving through the city streets and businesses the convention center will be to the east, Spokane River flowing, cutting the city in half, you’ll run along the river to Riverfront Park, where your 67 mile journey through the 509 will end. Ending at the west edge of Riverfront Park, you’ll stand in the middle of the Park Trail Walking Bridge, rapids from the Spokane River rushing under you from the east and the Upper Spokane Falls drop into the river next to you as both rush towards the Lower Spokane Falls feet away. A 15-minute Gondola ride might be the perfect ending for your 509 adventure, taking you high above the city, you’ll have great views of the falls, sweeping views of the city, Cascade Mountain Range and all the Palouse region farmland to the south from where you started.

Run Washington Area Code Fall Challenge - 350 Miles

Your 350-mile Run Washington Fall Challenge starts at the steps of the State Capitol in the 360. In downtown Olympia, you’ll wind through the streets passing parks, fountains, monuments and state buildings before continuing past Saint Martin’s University, heading north through the Nisqually Basin and Nisqually Wildlife Refuge. Crossing over the Nisqually River you’ll continue north entering the 253 at DuPont, then past JBLM. From there, you’ll continue north through Tacoma, to your west you’ll see the Tacoma Dome, City Skyline as well as the Port of Tacoma. As you continue north along Interstate-5 you leave the 253 and enter the 206. As you continue north, you’ll see the Seattle Skyline and the Space Needle in the distance. Before reaching the city, you’ll turn east, running next to I-90, the longest road in the United States at 3,020 miles. Run continue, running through a tunnel before crossing over Lake Washington, the largest lake in Washington State and your 206 challenge. As you reach Bellevue, still east, you’ll enter the 425, the fourth area code of your journey. Here, you’ll pass Lake Sammamish and connect to the Iron Horse Trail, running it in reverse of the 425 challenge towards Snoqualmie Pass. Passing multiple trails, mountains and through the Snoqualmie Tunnel, you’ll reach the pass. Continuing east, following the Iron Horse trail you’ll pass Keechelus Lake at mile 115. You’ll enter your fifth and final area code, 509 east of the Lake and continue to follow the trail through multiple towns as you reach Ellensburg and Central Washington University. From here, you’ll switch trails to the Palouse to Cascades Trail. You’ll continue east on the trail until reaching the Wanapum Dam on the Columbia River. From there, you’ll head north to Vantage, where you’ll cross the Columbia River and continue east along I-90 again, passing through multiple cities including Moses Lake at Mile 245. As you continue east the landscape continues to change, from hills and mountains to the west to vast fields of hay, wheat, vegetables and more as you continue past city after city approaching Spokane. At mile 342 you’ll enter Spokane, winding through Palisades Park and onto the Centennial, following parallel to the Spokane River. Running through Downtown Spokane you’ll pass many historic buildings and see Gonzaga University in the distance before crossing the Spokane River at the Upper Falls Reservoir, looping through Riverfront Park, past the gondolas hovering above the city and finishing between the Lower and Upper Falls, exactly where the 509 area code challenge finishes.

CONGRATS! You’ve completed the Run Washington Fall Challenge and experienced running through every area code in the state!



Running / Walking  FAQs:


A Virtual Run is an event you can complete Anytime/Anywhere! There isn't a set time or place since virtual runs are meant for you to complete at your convenience and at your own pace. Run Washington Challenges can be completed at any time between October 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020
You can run or walk any event in the series. You can add up your miles over several days, weeks or months. Challenge yourself to complete all 5 events for the entire Run Washington Challenge throughout the entire summer. You can WALK OR RUN all of these events. 


Anywhere you'd like! Because its virtual, you can run outside, inside, on a treadmill, on your favorite trail, throughout your neighborhood or in your empty pool. Just do us a favor and DO NOT actually run on I-5 or I-90 when completing the Run Washington Challenge - it will be extremely hard for your to explain to the police officer that stops you.



Easy, choose the team registration option for any of the challenges you'd like to participate in, create a team and invite your friends to participate! A team consists of 2+ people. You'll each run, walk or bike your miles and then record individually. The system will combine your miles and move your team closer to your challenge goals! Each team member will also receive their own swag packet including an event shirt, race bib, medal(s) and extra swag depending on the completed challenge.



This is a challenge to help keep you stay healthy and active while completing your fitness goals. You can log miles from your 🏃 🏃‍♀️ runs, walks and bike 🚴 🚴‍♀️  rides!



Of Course! You can double up your miles or even triple up. We know people are participating in multiple virtual events and challenges. Our goal is to help provide you a reason to stay healthy and active. If you'd like to use your miles for other challenges in this series or other events, go for it! Just keep running!


Nope! You don't need to be from Washington, live in Washington or ever even visited Washington. So, if you're participating, challenge your friends and family to participate "virtually" with you!



Run 206 - Lake Washington Challenge | 62 Miles | Run/Walk virtually through Lake Washington and Seattle Area

Run 253 - Galloping Gertie Challenge | 46 Miles | Run/Walk through all the iconic landmarks of Tacoma 

Run 360 - Olympic National Park Challenge | 113 Miles | Run/ Walk around the Beautiful Lakes, Mountains and Rain Forest of the Olympic National Park. 

Run 425 Mountain to Sound Challenge | 62 Miles | Run/Walk from Snoqualmie Pass to Lake Sammamish. 

Run 509 - Golden Fields to Raging Rivers Challenge | 67 Miles | Run/Walk from the fields of Palouse to the Rivers in Spokane

Run Washington  Area Codes | 350 Miles | Complete all 5 of the challenges, adding up to 350 miles and earn that 6th medal!

*Each challenge will receive a completion medal and long sleeve running top specific to the area code registered for



You have 92 days to complete the event. The event starts on October 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020
You can do all your miles on one day or break it up over several days, weeks or months


HOW DO I LOG & TRACK MY MILES? (PDF Instructions at bottom of page)

You can Easily track your miles online! We have an interactive map that shows how far along the challenges you are. Tracking your mileage is super easy thanks to the awesome software from RunSignup. Once you do it a few times you'll get into the hang of it!

1. Login to RunSignup. We recommend letting it remember your username/password as you'll be here often!

2. Navigate to the Results page. We recommend bookmarking this page so you can find it quickly everyday.

3. Click "Submit Virtual Results"

4. You will be shown a calendar, select the current day or the day for which you are entering the miles.

5. A second box says "Distance in Miles", add the miles you ran that day.

6. Click "Submit your time"


RunSignup will automatically update your total distance and show you your total progression to date along the actual marathon course!

Tips and Tricks

1. It's best to enter your distance daily. Obviously life happens and you will perhaps not be able to every day, but staying consistent will make it easy so you're not having to enter a ton of data at once. Plus seeing that progression is very motivating!

2. For those of you who "double" (that is, run/walk twice or perhaps more in a day), simply total the mileage that day and submit one entry. E.g.,You run 3 miles in the morning and then another 4 that night. You should make one entry for 7 miles that day.

Once you have completed your run, wear your medal and celebrate! Share your successes with others. Send us your pics along your journey and tag us at @RunTheWestCoast #RunCali #RunOR #RunWA #RunTheWestCoast


You can track your run with any app, watch, or fitness device that you would like. Or, just remember your miles and enter them daily, weekly, monthly or when you've completed your challenge!



Your race bibs, shirt/tank top, medal(s) (and extra swag if doing the State challenge) will be mailed out to you by mid August. Start recording those miles, your swag and medal(s) will be there soon! 


WHEN CAN I GET MY PACKET/SWAG  (bib, medal and swag)?

Your event packet will be mailed to you full of SWAG!



A portion of the proceeds will go to Feeding Washington!



You can re-send yourself a copy of your confirmation email from your RunSignUp profile. Here is a tutorial with the steps to complete this on your end. 



If you need to reset your RunSignUp password, watch this tutorial to learn how.



As is normal with running events, refunds will not be given for this event.



Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Virtual Race Guide

Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Race Participant Survey

Please complete the following survey to help us better understand your race experience.

Did you participate in the race?
Would you recommend this race to a friend?

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