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Waldwick Chamber of Commerce 5K Run and 1 Mile Walk

Sun May 4, 2025 Waldwick, NJ 07463 US Directions

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Waldwick Chamber of Commerce 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk

Q.  Do I need to register online?

A.  Yes! All registrations for this year's 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk will be "online only" through

When does online registration close out? 

A. Online registration for the 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk will close out on Sunday morning May 4th at 8:40am

Q.  Where and when can I pick up my race packet?

A.  Race packets will contain everything you need including your bib, chip and race shirt.  They can be picked up at the Waldwick Ambulance Corps location at 10 Whites Lane between 3:00pm -5:30pm on Saturday May 3rd. You may also pick up your packet on race day starting at 7:30am at Waldwick HS Track & Field.  

Q. What time does the 5K Run start?

A. The 5K Run starts promptly at 9:00am at the intersection of West Prospect St. and Hopper Ave.  The 1 Mile Walk will begin after the runners leave the start area. There will be a pre-race dedication ceremony at 8:30am on the High School track and field location prior to the race.

Q.  Where can I park?

A. Parking will be a little tight this year with construction going on at both the high school and middle schools. There will be limited parking in both of those school parking lots locations. The Forum School on Wyckoff Ave and the Village School lots are also available. Parking across from the high school on John Dow Ave and Smithfield is a great alternative. No parking will be allowed on any streets that the 5K course runs along. Parking at the Metro Church across from the High School is also prohibited. Local streets will start closing around 8:00am so please arrive early to leave time for parking. If you live nearby, please consider walking to our event. 

Q.  Can I have someone else pick up my race packet?

A.  Yes. You may have someone pick up your packet.  Please bring identification and give us all the names of registrants from your family.

Q. Are strollers or running baby buggies allowed in the 5K Run?

A. NO. Due to safety concerns for our runners no strollers or running buggies will be permitted in the 5K Run. Please don't try to sneak in. You will be promptly removed from the race and be banned from future events. 

Q.  Can I or my children participate on a bicycle, a scooter, wagon, blade, skateboard, or roller blade?

A.  NO.  For the safety of all, none of the above will be permitted on the course. Strollers and any of the above are not permitted on the new high school track  

Q.  Can I walk the 5K?

A.  Yes, you may walk the 5K Run. We ask that you complete the 5K walk in 50 minutes or less and start in the back of the runners.

Q. Will water be provided on the course?

A. Yes, we will have two water stops. One in Borough Park approx. Mile 1.25 and on Lakeview Drive approximately 2.25 miles on the course. Volunteers will pass out small bottles of water as well as water at the finish line. The temperatures may be hot so we recommend that you hydrate prior to the race. 

Q. Is there an Awards ceremony? 

A.  Yes! Starting around 10:00 am we will announce the Top three overall winners Male & Female. The Top Waldwick winners, Male & Female.  We will have (15) 5-year age group bracket medal awards. All other awards other than those 8 listed may be picked up at the awards tent starting at 10:15am.

Q. What are the awards for the top three Male / Female finishers and Top Male and Top Female Waldwick finishers? 

A. The top three Male and top three Female Finishers will receive commemorative lemon medals for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. They will also receive a Gift Card for $100, $75, $50 for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place respectively. "Break the course” Male 15:17 Female 17:36 and receive a $50 gift card.  Top Male /Top Female Waldwick resident winner will receive a medal and a watch donated from Plaza Jewelers here in Waldwick as well as their names displayed on our perpetual plaque located in Waldwick Borough Hall. 

Q.  Am I guaranteed a race shirt?

A. Due to continual supply chain issues, all entries received by April 26th will be guaranteed a Commemorative tech race shirt.   Registrations received after April 26th will be available to participants while supplies last. Shirt sizes after that date will also not be guaranteed.

 Q. Are there Goody bags?

A. Yes there are cool backpacks filled with some great swag from our local sponsors to the first 400 registered runners and or walkers

Q. Are there currently any restrictions due to the COVID virus?

A. As of now there are no outdoor restrictions due to the COVID virus. As always, we will follow guidance from the CDC, State and local officials regarding any restrictions. The safety of our participants, volunteers and spectators are our utmost importance. 

Q.  What is your refund policy?

A.  All entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.  

Q.  What happens if it rains?

A.  This is a rain or shine event.  No refunds will be given.  Your donation is going to a great cause!

Q.  Can I bring my dog?

A.  NO.  We know many dogs are friendly, but for the comfort and safety of all participants please leave animals at home. The Waldwick Board of Education does not allow any pets at the Waldwick High School Track and Field facility.

Q. Can I offer a "glowing review" about this awesome event after the race?

A. Yes!  You surely can.  We appreciate your reviews whether positive and negative. It's our personal report card as we prepare for next year's 5K run.  We all appreciates your support. Please email reviews of our event to  Much Appreciated. 

Q. What's this event called "Are you Up for the Challenge"?

A. As a way to commemorate our 17th Anniversary of the Waldwick Chamber of Commerce 5K Run we have created this event   "Are you up for the Challenge?"

It's simple...Register here for the "Challenge". Beat your finishing time from last year's W5K Run on May 5, 2024 and you will receive a Commemorative Challenge coin Rules to participate in the Challenge: 

Must be a registered runner in the 5K Run on Runsignup for the Challenge
The cost $10.00
Must have a recorded finishing time at the Waldwick Chamber of Commerce 5K Run which took place on May 5, 2024

 The W5K Run Challenge Coins must be picked up at the awards tent post-race. (We will not ship the coin)
If your name has changed from the previous year please use the name listed in the finishing results from 2024. This way we can match your name up with this year’s results
Proceeds from the Challenge will be donated to the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation 

Q If I changed my mind after registering for the event can I still register for the W5K Run Challenge

A. yes you can register by going into your profile and following the steps provided in this video link.

Q Is there a post-race party?

A. Yes, we are in the planning stages to have a post race party at Gearblock Brewing Company nearby at 140 Franklin Tpke, Waldwick starting at 11:00am. More details to follow 

Q.  I have a question that is not answered here.

A.  Please contact Stan Kowalski, Race Director Waldwick Chamber of Commerce 5K Run & 1 Mile Walk



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