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1. How far is a 5K?

A 5K is 3.1 miles. 

Did you know that 4 miles is the average distance someone in our community walks to get to the nearest high school?

2. Do I have to fundraise to participate?

The Miles for Malawi 5K is intended to raise funds for our programs so we invite you to become a fundraiser by personalizing your page, establishing a fundraising goal, and inviting your friends and family to donate to your 5K. When you register, you will be asked to create a simple fundraising page that you can share with your friends or even post on your Facebook. It’s easy and really goes a long way to helping us have a greater impact in Malawi.

3. If I want to fundraise but I’m not comfortable using my online page, can I do it offline?

Yes, you can fundraise offline. Once you register and create your race page, you have the option to raise money offline. Simply download, print and fill out this full page form or this half sheet version. When fundraising offline, your sponsors can pledge an amount and send it to Pamoza later or they can give you their pledge and you send it in to Pamoza. You can also have your sponsors donate on Venmo (search for pamoza-international), CashApp (search for $Pamoza), Zelle (search for or by check (make it out to Pamoza and mail to P.O. Box 23804, Philadelphia, PA 19143). Please ask your supporters to put your name plus 5K in the memo.

 4. What if I am not a runner or have never done a 5K before?

Since this is a walk or run event, you do not have to worry if you are not a runner. You can still participate by walking. Our Miles for Malawi event is a fun run/walk that is great for the whole family.

5. If I participated in the Pamoza 5K last year, do I have to create a new account?

You do not have to create a new account if you participated in our 5K last year. Just use your username (the e-mail you used to create an account last time) and password to log back in. You will be given the option to reset your password if you forgot. After logging in, remember to personalize your page. 

For the in-person 5K:

1. When and where will the 5K take place?

The event will take place on Saturday, May 31st, 2025 at Eastern university, 1300 Eagle Road, St. Davids, PA, 19087. We will congregate at the McInnis building. You can arrive as early as 08:00 am to check-in. Event starts at 08:30 am.

2. Can I register at the 5K event? 

Yes, you can register on site at the event but the registration cost will be $10 extra. So adults will pay $70 for on-site registration and kids will be $40.

3. Is parking available?

Yes, there is plenty of parking available at Eastern University, Please park by the McInnis building. 

4. Is this a rain or shine event or is there a rain date?

We hope to have good weather because this is a rain or shine event!

5. What is the 5K course like?

The 5K course we have planned will be mostly flat and paved and will be exclusively on Eastern University's campus. It's comfortable for walkers, runners, and even strollers. We will do two loops of the course. Click here to see a map of the campus with our planned course outlined in yellow. 

6. What should I do if I registered for the in-person 5K but now want to switch to the virtual event?

Please contact us at to let us know of the change. We would like to provide you with your t-shirt, which you would have received at the actual event. Depending on when you contact us, you might not be able to receive your t-shirt until after the event. 

For the Virtual 5K

1. What is a virtual 5K?

A virtual 5k is a walk/run event that can be completed at your own convenience, with anyone, and anywhere instead of a typical 5K where you have to show up at one physical location at the same time. This is an ideal option for anyone who is not available for the in-person event or anyone who wants to take extra precautions against COVID or other illnesses.

2. When is the registration deadline?

Registration deadline for the virtual 5K is 11:59 PM on May 31, 2025. Our goal is to send shirts to all virtual participants before they plan to walk or run. We encourage you to put together a team to participate in the virtual event together. 

3. When will the virtual 5K take place?

You can complete your virtual 5K anytime before June 14, 2025. If you can, please take a photo of yourself wearing our 5K shirt while completing your virtual 5K and upload it on to our site. 

4. Do I have to walk/run all 3 miles at one time? 

If you are doing the virtual race, then you don’t have to walk/run all 3 miles at once. You can choose to split up the distance across different days. You can also choose to walk/run more than the 3 miles if you want to challenge yourself. 

5.  Do I have to report/track my results?

Reporting and tracking your results is optional, but we are asking all virtual participants to take a picture of themselves in their Pamoza shirt and upload it on our 5K site or e-mail it to If you would like to report your results, you can click the ‘results’ tab on our race website. There, you can report how long it took you to complete the 3 miles. If you don’t have a device for tracking your time and distance, you can use an app on your smartphone like Map My Run or Map My Fitness. 

6. What should I do if I am registered for the virtual 5K and would like to switch to the in-person event?

If you are registered for the virtual event and would like to switch to the in-person event, just send an e-mail to Switching events is not an issue as long as we know to expect you. Please make sure to bring the shirt you received in the mail. 

7. What do I do about my bib number? Do I need to wear my bib?

During registration, you were given a bib number. If you would like to, you can print it and wear it when you do your virtual 5k, but it is not required.

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