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Bluegrass Runners

Lexington, KY 40523 US


Use the find/search function (CTRL+F or CMD+F in your browser) on this page to find specific topics

In addition, be aware that many of the tools on our website may require you to log in to your RunSignUp account in order to work.

The FAQ is CURRENTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION as of 1/19/2025! Membership Chair Bob Callen is working on the videos referenced below and will include links to them once they are completed

Use the Google operator "site:" followed by your search term (e.g. "upcoming races") in your Google search. Click here for a window with the site operator already included tp get started.Just enter your search term after the operator in the search box at the top.

Upcoming Races

Do you maintain a race calendar?

Rather than duplicate the work of other sites, we encourage runners to use the resources below:

Alternatively, use the advanced search on Runsignup to find the specific race type, distance, and location that suits you. The advanced options allow you to choose races that support non-binary entry choices and choose an area search based on distance from your specific zip code. Note that in order to cover the full area of Fayette County, you should choose at least 25 miles, instead of the default 5 miles.



How do I know if I am a member?

Lookup your membership here

You may see more than one membership in your name, but the most current one should be on top. If you have an active membership, don't renew your expired ones!

You don't see your name? Doublecheck with any other emails you might use first, but you may need to join the club! 

Join Bluegrass Runners here

My membership expired, how do I renew? Just use the Member Lookup link above and click the "renew" option.

Can I set up automatic renewals? With the new website, members can choose to autorenew. You will have to opt in the next time you renew your membership, but subsequent memberships will renew on their own. 


Bluegrass Mileage Challenge

How does the Mileage Challenge work? First you'll need to register. Then every time you go for a run, head over to the Results page. Look yourself up and enter the date & miles you ran. That's all you have to do! Don't want to enter your miles every run? Enter them weekly, or monthly if you prefer. Still unsure how to enter your results? Watch this video for a step by step walkthrough.

Enter the Mileage Challenge here

Who is it for? The challenge is for all members of Bluegrass Runners. 

Why is it called the 2025 Mileage Challenge? Do I need to run 2025 miles?!?!? We had a 1000 Mile Challenge for a long time, but we realized 1000 miles (or 2.74 miles per day) isn't necessarily the best goal for everyone. We want everybody to be able to join in and did a 1000, 750, 500, 250, and 2023 (Run the Year) challenge in 2023! But we found the different distances were confusing, some runners registered for multiple goals, so we have changed it to a single event, the 2025 Mileage Challenge. Your goal is your goal, but we want to celebrate the miles you put in whether or not you reach an arbitrary number (1000 or whatever) by an arbitrary date (12/31 of the challenge year). 

How much does it cost? Nothing. Totally free. 

Are there prizes? Everyone who runs or walks ANY miles (or more) for their challenge will get extra raffle tickets to win prizes at the annual awards meeting. These will be drawn at in early 2026 once the tallies are in. You must be a Bluegrass Runners member on 12/31 of the challenge year to win a prize. You do have to attend the awards meeting to win something in the raffle, but trust us, you want to be there!

Join Bluegrass Runners here

What if I don't sign up until late? No problem! You can enter activities retroactively back to January first. 

What if I joined BGR in the middle of the year? Also just fine - any miles you ran during the year count toward your total. 

Do I really have to enter my mileage on every individual day? If you want to pick a date and enter your mileage for that whole week you can. Example: if you ran 20 miles during 1/9-1/15, you can enter 20 miles on 1/15. Or at the end of the month. Whatever works for you--we want to walk and run miles, not engage in bookkeeping to track them!

BGR Grand Prix

I just finished a race, how do I enter my results? Just fill out the Race Result for. The Grand Prix Committee will do the rest. Still unsure of how to enter your results? Watch this video for a step by step walkthrough.

Enter Your Race Results Here

Where can I check the standings? Since we need to manually add some information, such as your points for the races you enter, we don't have an automated way to make a standings page. We will periodically post the standings on our Facebook group so you know where you stand!

Did you get the results I submitted? New for 2025, when you put your race results into the form, you'll receive an email letting you know they went through, so just search your email for "BGR Race Result Report" and you should see the entries you've submitted.

Did I submit results for race XYZ? Search your email for "BGR Race Result Report" and you'll know by looking those emails over if you submitted one for XYZ. Seriously, we have a lot of participants in the BGR Grand Prix every year, and it makes the Membership Committee's job a little easier if you self-manage your submissions.

Can I count non Grand Prix races? Of course! You just don't get the bonus points for running a Grand Prix event added to your score. In fact, if you are doing the Bluegrass Regions Challenge, you'll need to count some non-Grand Prix events in order to cover all six regions. Most of the Grand Prix events are local to the Bluegrass region, with just one or two also in the Knobs region.  Grand Prix events get bonus points for being a Grand Prix event and bonus points if they are your first time running an event in that geographic region, so if you ran Frozen Rails in Midway, be sure and submit that one! That New Year's Day just got you 50 bonus points for Grand Prix since it was your first race of the year in the Bluegrass Region and it was a Grand Prix race.

Why isn't race XYZ still on the Grand Prix list? We've had a lot of races be part of the Grand Prix over the years, and the list of Grand Prix races had grown long enough to have become unmanageable. Two race companies in particular stood out as long time partners who continue to give us discounts: Racerise and John's Bluegrass Racing Company. Of course our own races, Thoroughbred Classic and Survive the Night are part of the Grand Prix Series and also provide discounts. And we felt we should include the two biggest races, Midsummer Night's Run and Bluegrass 10,000 on our list because so many of us run there every year. But otherwise, our participants voted with the races they chose to run. Many of the races which had lots of BGR runners in the past had 1 or fewer people submit them for the Grand Prix. If you are still running those races and want them to count, the good news is that we take your top ten results for the Grand Prix points, so you can still run any race you want and count it among your top ten results.

What is this Bluegrass Regions Challenge? We wanted to encourage people to see our beautiful state, and we wanted a way to support runners who are doing the 120 county challenge. Bluegrass Regions Challenge gets you bonus points for your first race run in one of Kentucky's six geographic regions each year. Run all six and you'll get a special prize to commemorate the feat, in addition to getting a total of 150 bonus points in the Grand Prix.

How does the race scoring work? You get 100 points for finishing first in your age group at the race. Second gets you 90 points, and so on, down to tenth place and below, which gets you 10 points. By entering the race in your results, you are guaranteed to get 10 points, no matter where you finished. You can also receive 25 additional bonus points for entering a Grand Prix race, and 25 additional bonus points for the first race we count that is in one of the six geographic areas on the form. For example, finishing first in your age group at Frozen Rails could net you 150 points total, 100 for the first place AG finish and 25 each for being a Grand Prix race and your first result from the Bluegrass Georgraphic Region. You don't need to worry about points, however. Just enter the race information in the Race Results form (above button) and we'll add your bonus points. We'll also figure out which are your top ten results and count only those in the standings. Just enter your race reports, we do the rest.

I'm not fast (says every runner ever), is there another way to get points? Absolutely. Service to BGR as a board member, committee member, or volunteer at races counts. Leading group runs gets you points. Volunteering at any race gets you points. There is no cap on the amount of points you can gain as a volunteer.

What are the prizes? The overall Male and Female winners of the Grand Prix receive an award for their accomplishment. Last year we did plaques. The specific award will be nice and you'll be proud of it! In addition, every Grand Prix participant will have an extra raffle ticket for the Awards Gala raffle we  do at the spring awards meeting. Each BGR member gets a ticket, each BGR Mileage Challenge participant gets a ticket, and each Grand Prix participant gets a ticket. Each Grand Prix finisher who wins their age group gets three more tickets. Second place AG finishers get two more tickets, and third place finishers get an additional ticket. So you can get up to six tickets in the raffle for some very nice prizes, including a $100 and smaller gift cards from a local running store, running gear such as socks, headlamps, hydration, etc., and safety gear such as lighted vests and personal alarms. There are usually some free race entries in the raffle as well. Members must be present at the awards gala to win, but it's worth your time and trouble to enter the points and attend the gala, trust us!

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