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Fundraising Team

Shawna Strong

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Raised of $490


My sister Shawna found out she had kidney failure in her early twenties. She received a kidney transplant in 2002, her new worked for almost 17 years. She was able to raise her two boys and meet her new grandson during this time. In 2019, her kidney began to fail and she developed a very rare disease called Calciphylaxis. A horrific disease associated with kidney failure. She passed away January 29th 2020. Shawna was the strongest person I had ever known. I chose the fundraising amount of $490, because she was only 49 years young when she went to heaven. She is deeply missed by everyone that ever met her. This is for you Shawna.

I am raising money for the East Tennessee Kidney Foundation because I believe in their cause and the good works they do in the community! Will you help me by making a donation? All donations are 100% tax-deductible. The East Tennessee Kidney Foundation is 100% LOCAL. They provide financial assistance for dialysis transportation, money for dental work that patients cannot afford, and nutritional supplements to patients in poor health. Your donation stays LOCAL and helps East Tennesseans with limited income and resources.

Thank you in advance for helping me reach my goal! Donating to a local charity provides much-needed resources for a great cause, but also improves our own community in which we live. I prefer that my donations to stay local and help people in our community; many people I've talked to feel the same way.

On behalf of the East Tennessee Kidney Foundation, those suffering from kidney disease in our community, my fundraising team and myself, thank you for your support and generosity! You are helping to make our community a better and healthier place to live!



Top Donors

$392 Raised By 5 Donors

$138 in memory of Shawna
$138 on behalf of Tina McNabb
$49 on behalf of Pam Woodby
$25 on behalf of Stacey Williams
$20 on behalf of Susette Daniel

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