Team Hoyt Arizona is a nonprofit volunteer organization in Southern Arizona. People with special needs join for free with volunteers and we race together!
Biosphere 2 is home to the world’s largest ocean research tank. Here, over 40 scientists from around the world are utilizing this one-of-a-kind Reef Lab, to test innovative solutions for reef restoration and resilience. Currently, we are upgrading the facility with state-of-the-art engineering and equipment, closely monitoring the ecosystem, and testing natural means of rebuilding healthy coral reefs from an algae covered, degraded state. In the next phase, we will populate the reef with corals from real-world environments, exploring ways to engineer resilient coral reefs.
Once we have established this reef community, we will evaluate the community’s response to multiple stressors designed to mimic future conditions on Earth. This work will identify viable solutions for building reefs of the future to ensure their critical structure, function, and societal benefits for generations to come.
Your generous donation helps make this research a reality supporting communication and coral introductions! To learn more about the project please visit our Ocean Research Page.