Chronic Brain Injury Program
Check out one of our Diamond Sponsors: Ohio State's Chronic Brain Injury Program
The brain is the body's most complex organ. It makes us who we are. It is critical to our abilities to speak, think, remember, interact, and move.
The Ohio State University is advancing how we understand and approach brain injury as a chronic condition. Even mild brain injuries can have persistent, long-term effects that impact our future health and wellness. Understanding, detecting, treating, and preventing these effects is essential to solving the silent epidemic of traumatic – or rather, chronic – brain injury.
To accelerate discovery, our scientists and clinicians are forming interdisciplinary teams that are translating knowledge, partnering with industry and community organizations, and expanding capacity to implement practical solutions.
Our researchers are:
- Deepening an understanding of how brain injuries result in visible and chronic conditions and higher risk for dementia and movement disorders
- Studying the mechanisms of the immune system's response to neurotraumas that will inform pharamlogical, rehabilitative, and arts-based interventions
- Developing new approaches to imaging, sensing, and clinical data analytics that better detect, monitor, and predict the trajectories of brain injuries
We are investing in people, projects, and resources that enable convergence research in the lab, the clinic, and the community. Learn more about our program and offerings at the links below. We've built a network of over 100 research labs at Ohio State in fields spanning neuroscience, electrical engineering, psychology, public health, music, and rehabilitation sciences. Through our community partners, we are building a coalition of professionals and patients to help brain injury survivors recover and thrive.
Check out our website and follow us on Twitter @OhioStateCBI
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