In an effort to reduce congestion on the pedestrian walkway, the Danville Police Department has agreed to close the right lane of the North Bound MLK Bridge to allow ALL runners to utilize the road which will allow only walkers to cross using the pedestrian walkway.
Participants will begin their event as they always have by running down Bridge Street, (please beware of the cobblestones), toward Patton Street, and will now cross the Dan River using the Right Hand Traffic lane on the North Bound MLK Bridge which will be closed to traffic. They will take a Right onto the Right Hand Lane of River Street, (58 East), and take another RIGHT onto the sidewalk at the Davenport Gas Company as they proceed to the Riverwalk Trail and take a LEFT.
The Danville Police Department has been very supportive of this route change and will have ample signage as well as police officers present in order to provide the highest level of safety possible. The runners and walkers will return to the finish line the same way they ran out. This change will allow our walkers the entire pedestrian walkway thus reducing congestion at the start and finish of each race.
Mapping provided by the City of Danville IT/GIS.
Thank you for your interest in our Kids1/2 Mile Fun Run! This 0.50 mile course is out and back and for children ages 10 & under. The race will begin and end at the start/finish line, located just outside the Community Market. The kids course will take a right onto Colquhoun Street, they will run through the parking lot and left onto the River Walk Trail to the turn around which will be marked by the water stop and our volunteers. The runners return back to the finish line guided by cones and volunteers to ensure participants safety.