Sponsorship Information

Sponsorship Levels & Benefits
Angkor Wat Title Sponsor: $5,000
- Registration for 20 individuals (one full team)
- Family or Company name/logo prominently featured on the race website
- Special feature in kick off video message - All participants will receive an email
with your company or family name featured prominently and thanking you for being our title sponsor - Two featured posts on CFC’s social media account
CFC Campus Sponsor: $2,500
- Registration for 10 individuals
- Family or Company name/logo on the race website
- Participants reaching the campus milestone you sponsor
will receive an email, with your company or family name featured prominently,
congratulating them on unlocking the race badge for that campus milestone - Company message highlighted in one email to all participants during race
- One featured post on CFC’s social media account
Milestone Sponsor: $1,000
- Registration for 5 Individuals
- Family or Company name on the race website
- Virtual milestone/race badge recognition - Participants reaching the milestone you sponsor
will receive an email, with your company or family name featured prominently,
congratulating them on unlocking the race badge for that milestone - Group post on CFC’s social media account
Orange Sponsor: $500
- Family or Company name on the race website
- Group post on CFC’s social media account