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Athlete Services


Boys & Girls Club Kids Zone - Located in The Wellness Center


Limited Walk-Up spots will be available. For all the parents who want to come play with us but will have kids in tow, the Kids Zone will be available to participants from 7:00 AM - 12:30 PM. Games and activities will be offered for kids, ages 4 - 14, in the UIW Wellness Center adjacent to the Founders Hall Parking Lot across the street from Hildebrand. Mini Corporate Cup games will include soccer kicks, sack races, hula hoops, bean bag toss, and much more! Water to be provided. Trained Boys & Girls Club staff and volunteers will be onsite to secure signed parental waivers at the entrance and to help with child pick-up. The best part of the Kids Zone – it’s in a contained facility and indoors for the first time! 

Speed up the check-in process by completing the online form and waiver before you arrive. Click Here to Complete Form - Coming soon!



OrthoNow Medical Services


To support competing athletes, the 2024 Corporate Cup will have trained medical professionals on site. A medical tent will be staffed with OrthoNow Injury Clinic personnel, including doctors, nurses, emergency medical technicians, and certified trainers familiar with athletic and active lifestyle injuries or emergency situations.




University Health System Ambulance


    A University Health ambulance will be on site, just in case!





BSN Official Sport Equipment Provider

Need a company branded tent for your team tailgate or basketballs to practice for the 3v3 Tournament and 3-Point Contest? We have you covered as we are excited to announce BSN Sports at the Official Sport Equipment Provider for Corporate Cup. In addition to tents and sport equipment, BSN can also provide custom athletic jerseys of your choice for your employees to compete in for any Corporate Cup event.

Their named brand partnerships such as Nike, Under Armour, Wilson and many more... give you access to the most brand names in the industry with the hottest products at the best prices!

Contact Joey Squilla at for orders and more information. 

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