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Help us feed our neighbors!

Since 1972 The Neighborhood Center of South Lake has been feeding the hungry, and nourishing the community. 
We are the Heartbeat of Hope in South Lake County.

Our founders created a legacy that continues today and one we uphold with each client who finds the courage to ask for help. We value the humanity and dignity of every client; we acknowledge that asking for help is an act of great courage, and it should always be respected. 

Each week, the Center assists 400 to 500 families from South Lake County, providing each with the resources they need to strengthen their lives and create a new future for their families. 

Top Donors

$40 Raised By 3 Donors

$25 on behalf of Jennifer Sobieski
$10 on behalf of Thomas (Tom) Nichols
$5 from Anonymous

Donation Attribution

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