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Pink & Teal Challenge

Sat May 10 - Sun May 11, 2025 Rochester, NY 14623 US Directions


Breast Cancer Coalition

Increase you impact! By making a donation, you are showing commitment to the multi-faceted mission here at the Breast Cancer Coalition: Research, Support, Education & Advocacy. All the proceeds benefit those touched by a breast and gynecologic cancer diagnosis in our community.

Just choose a fundraiser to support by using the search box, or become a fundraiser yourself by clicking the "Become a fundraiser" button! As you raise more and more funds, not only are you benefiting those who have been touched by a breast or gynecologic diagnosis here in our community, but you will also receive exclusive prizes! Learn more. 

The Breast Cancer Coalition gladly accepts cash or check donations. You can drop off your donation anytime Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm or mail your donation to our office located at 1048 University Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607. Please make sure any check donations are made to: Breast Cancer Coalition, and that you have marked it as specific for the Pink & Teal Challenge.

If you would like your cash or check donation to benefit a specific fundraising athlete, you may give the donation directly to the athlete to give to us in a bundle, or simply make a note of which athlete you are supporting when you drop off or mail in your donation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Meredith at 

Top Donors

$8,745 Raised By 126 Donors

$500 on behalf of Bonita Gallea
$500 on behalf of Christina Breen-Hale
$500 on behalf of Leslie Gallea
$250 on behalf of Jennifer Townsend
$250 from Anonymous
$250 in honor of Mary Moore
$250 on behalf of Mimi
$200 on behalf of Nadine Caveney
$150 on behalf of Mary Toole
$100 on behalf of Adelaide M Goldman
$100 in memory of Agnes Delaportas
$100 in memory of Carol Mullen
$100 in memory of Danielle Guistina
$100 on behalf of Elizabeth Durkin
$100 in memory of Ginger Boatman
$100 on behalf of Heather & Dee
$100 on behalf of Janice Namorato
$100 on behalf of Jeff Lisa Foster
$100 on behalf of John Nichols
$100 on behalf of Judy Bucher
$100 on behalf of Karen Trowbridge
$100 in honor of Linda Maniaci
$100 on behalf of Marianne Stanchus
$100 on behalf of Mary Moore
$100 on behalf of Mary Moore
$100 in memory of MImi
$100 in memory of Mimi
$100 in memory of Mimi Hartney
$100 in memory of My sister Mimi Hartney
$100 on behalf of Nancy & Gary Older
$100 on behalf of Rachel Collins
$100 in honor of Ray & Lisa Tangent
$100 in memory of Stacey
$75 on behalf of Betsy Crumity
$75 on behalf of Dawn Knitter
$75 on behalf of Tina Jackson
$50 on behalf of Alison Riner
$50 on behalf of Allen Handelman
$50 in memory of Aunt Patty and Gram
$50 on behalf of Bonnie Garner
$50 on behalf of Christine Rooney
$50 on behalf of Coranne Johnson
$50 in memory of Corrinne Maile
$50 on behalf of Cynthia
$50 on behalf of Dana Distasio
$50 in honor of Gail Maier
$50 on behalf of Gail Maier
$50 on behalf of Hilary Miller
$50 in memory of Jeanne Sozio
$50 on behalf of Jess and Jen Cappadonia-Swanker
$50 on behalf of Jill Slavny
$50 on behalf of Jodi Burger
$50 in honor of Judy Powers
$50 on behalf of Kathleen Lessard
$50 on behalf of Kayleigh Williams
$50 on behalf of Kenneth Price
$50 on behalf of Kristi Mitchell
$50 on behalf of Laurie Pelletier
$50 in memory of Leslie Stevenson
$50 on behalf of Linda Maniaca
$50 on behalf of Linda Maniaci
$50 on behalf of Lynda and Ed De Frank
$50 on behalf of Mark Anderson
$50 in honor of Mark Gardner
$50 in honor of Mary Moore
$50 in honor of Mary Moore
$50 in honor of Mary Moore
$50 in honor of My Mom - the survivor!
$50 on behalf of Penelope Pankow
$50 on behalf of Richard Holowka
$50 on behalf of Roger Haidvogel
$50 on behalf of Shannon Ringleben
$50 on behalf of Shawn Kepler
$50 on behalf of Stephen Wershing
$50 from Anonymous
$50 on behalf of Theresa Coccia
$50 on behalf of Tina Paternostro
$50 in honor of Vina Platania
$40 on behalf of Ginger Carney
$30 on behalf of Annette Hickey
$25 in memory of Ann Curtain-Knight
$25 on behalf of Anne Mowrer
$25 in honor of Bobbie Kavanaugh-Reif
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Chris Whites
$25 on behalf of Chris Whites
$25 on behalf of Christine Schwenker
$25 on behalf of Christine Whites
$25 on behalf of Claudia Price
$25 on behalf of Dan Meyer
$25 on behalf of DAWN LAPIETRA
$25 from Anonymous
$25 in memory of Doreena
$25 on behalf of Jack Mansur
$25 on behalf of Jacqueline Eaton
$25 on behalf of James Gubiotti
$25 on behalf of janet hilliard
$25 on behalf of Jen Cole
$25 on behalf of Julie Levin
$25 on behalf of Kathy Baule
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Kimberly Salamida
$25 on behalf of Lacey Senese-Witt
$25 on behalf of Lonie Basciani
$25 on behalf of Lorraine Hems
$25 on behalf of Marlene Kramarsyck
$25 in memory of Marlene Attardo
$25 on behalf of Nichole Blackwell
$25 on behalf of Nicole Zimmermann
$25 on behalf of Patricia Weisenburger
$25 on behalf of Rashika Sinha Crawford
$25 from Anonymous
$25 on behalf of Robert Stehler
$25 in memory of Ruth Gosselink Schmitthenner
$25 on behalf of S Malik
$25 on behalf of Shaula Woz
$25 on behalf of Sue Lione
$25 on behalf of Tammy Richards
$25 on behalf of Tom Burke
$25 on behalf of Tracy Vanderlip
$25 on behalf of Wendy Oseguera
$20 on behalf of Barbara Palmer
$20 on behalf of Barbara Perrion
$15 on behalf of Lily Ciszewski
$10 on behalf of Dawn Catanese
$10 on behalf of Janet E Collinge

Select a fundraiser to donate to a cause.


Enter a custom donation amount or select a donation level above.

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