What is Transition
The Transition Area is the place where all an athlete’s equipment is stored. The athlete passes through the Transition Area twice during the event: T1 is Swim (or Run) to Bike and T2 is Bike to Run.
To get into transition, you must have:
- Bike & Helmet stickers applied to your bike and helmet
- Body marking
- Either a bib (for the athlete) or a wristband (for an accompanying adult)
Setting up Transition
Every athlete has a spot in the Transition Area (organized by age-group) where their bike, helmet, shoes/socks, shirt, shorts, towel, and other essentials are located. This area is set up BEFORE the race starts. Ask a volunteer, if you aren’t sure where to put your bike and gear.
Bikes without kickstands will be hung from racks. The athlete’s racing gear goes under the rack to the side of the bike.
Bikes with kickstands will have a chalked box to put their bike and race gear into.
Hints for Preparing Your Transition Spot
Bring two small towels, one of which should be old. Put the old towel on the ground beside the bike at your child’s location and place their race equipment on it. The other towel is for drying off after the swim. A colorful, easy-to-recognize towel is recommended.
The time spent in the Transition Area counts in the overall time so it should be as fast as is reasonable but not so fast that your athlete forgets to put on the helmet or tie their shoes. We will have volunteers in the Transition Area to assist athletes so we REQUIRE that all adults stay out for the safety of all the participants. An exception to this is for the Non-Competitive event where ONE adult may assist the athlete if needed.
Please be mindful of other racers when setting up your transition spot.
Once your transition is set up, proceed to the Pool. Please arrive at least 20 minutes before your wave starts.
T1 - Transition from Swim to Bike
For the triathlon, following the swim, the athlete moves to the Transition Area where they remove any swim equipment such as goggles, quickly dry off, put on their helmet and shirt, put on shoes and walk or jog the bike to the Transition Area exit following the sign that says, “Bike Out”.
BATHING SUIT REMOVAL IS NOT ALLOWED. There is no changing area and nudity is not allowed.
Athletes put on shorts and a shirt over their bathing suit with their race number pinned on in advance. Some athletes prefer to just put on a shirt (with the bib) and ride with bathing suits instead of shorts-over-suits. A race belt may also be used.
Please note that USA Triathlon has a rule: torsos must be covered. So the boys will have to wear a shirt over their swimsuit.
For the duathlon, the athlete still moves to transition from the pool, but since they don’t swim, they won’t be wet and will already have their shoes on.
ALL ATHLETES MUST WEAR THEIR HELMET THE ENTIRE TIME they are on or moving the bike. This includes the transition area. Please also make sure shoe laces are not undone or loose. If a racer is not skilled at lace tying, consider wearing shoes without laces or purchasing “lock laces” to replace the laces.
Outside assistance – being helped by someone other than a volunteer or other racer, is against the rules. If a parent breaks this rule and sneaks into transition to help their child, the athlete will be disqualified. Please don’t do that to your child.
There are many, many volunteers in Transition who will help your child if they can’t find their bike, need help tying their shoes or anything else they require.
The athlete should walk or jog with their bike to the Mount Line just outside the transition. Cross the Mount Line and then get on the bike.
T2 - Transition from Bike to Run
After the bike ride, the athlete stops and gets off the bike before the Dismount Line. Then they walk or jog the bike back to where their equipment is located.
The bike must be returned to the same location as the athlete started where all their other equipment is placed. Throwing a bike down in some random location is against the rules and will result in a time penalty of 2 minutes.
If the athlete can’t find their spot, they should ask a volunteer to help them. It also helps if their towel is colorful and unique.
The bike is placed in the rack or box, the helmet, and other riding equipment are removed, and the athlete prepares to run. Generally, young athletes ride their bikes in their running shoes so after removing the bike equipment they are ready for the run. Runners may jog to the “Run Out” sign in the Transition Area, watching for bikes and other runners.
The rule of no outside assistance is still in effect.
Packing up for the day
The Transition Area is guarded by volunteers. To remove a bike from the Transition Area you must show a race number and match it to the race number on the bike. Your race packet will have a numbered race bib to be worn on the shirt or shorts and two small stick-on race numbers, one for the bike and one for the helmet. In addition, each athlete will have their race number marked on their body by volunteers using pen. All of these numbers must match.
Please be mindful of other racers when tearing down your transition spot.