Q: What’s the difference between the competitive and recreational waves?
A: It is the same route and same obstacles. All runners are timed, but only those in the competitive wave are eligible for prizes. The top 3 in the competitive male and female waves will win an award. The competitive Master's Division Men and Women will run with the Men and Women competitive waves but be timed and awarded separately.
Q: Why can't I sign up for any recreation waves after 10:10?
A: Recreation wave start times scheduled between 10:20 and 10:30 will only open up if the earlier recreational waves are filled. If you are signing up as a large group and there are not enough spots left in an earlier wave, please call 309-434-2260 and we should be able to help you out!
Q: Will I get wet?
A: YES! If conditions allow, expect one obstacle to be the Creek Run. The ever popular Slip & Slide will also be featured.
Q: Is there a place to change?
A: Most likely not. There will be portable bathrooms on site, but there will be no dedicated changing rooms.
Q: Can my child run this event?
A: YES! Children ages 14 and older are welcome to participate independently in either a recreational or competitive wave. However, kids ages 7-13 MUST participate in the same wave alongside a registered parent/guardian.
Q: What’s the distance of the race?
A: The total distance is approximately 3 miles. The route includes approximately 25 obstacles across 3 parks and various types of terrain.
Q: Is there a bag check?
A: YES! A bag check station will be available near the registration/check in tables. There is no fee for this service.
Q: What’s included with my event registration?
A: Approximately 30 obstacles, 3 miles of running on various terrain in 3 beautiful parks in Bloomington AND a slip n' slide! Plus free parking, free bag check, event t-shirt and a medal. Look for bottled water and a healthy snack at the finish line as well.
Q: Can I volunteer for this event?
A: YES! We are definitely appreciative of our volunteers. Whether you'd like to assist with check in, be a route monitor, or just be a "floater" we'd welcome your assistance with open arms! Volunteer registration is available online. Check the top bar for the volunteer link and sign up for which timeslot works best for you.
Q: What if it rains?
A: This event will go rain or shine. No refunds.
In the case of severe weather, the event may be delayed or the course may be cleared in order to maintain safe conditions. We will do our best to continue the event, if weather conditions allow. If you hear 3 airhorns, volunteers will quickly instruct you to clear the course and find shelter. We will then delay the run until conditions are safe to proceed. Runners will return to their stopped location and the clock will continue to run. Times will be adjusted for any delays.
Q: Can I register on-site?
A: You are strongly encouraged to sign up in advance and online. In-person registration may be an option, however, you are not guaranteed a t-shirt, nor would you be guaranteed your desired wave start time. Online registration closes at midnight on Wednesday before the race. You can pick up your t-shirt, bib and race materials on Friday evening from 4:00-6:00 at Dust2Glory Gym. If you cannot make it Friday evening, you're welcome to pick up at the bag check table on the day of the race.
Q: Are spectators allowed?
A: YES! Spectator areas are marked on the course map. Spectators are not allowed onto the course. There is stadium seating alongside the football field and space in between zones for spectator viewing. Some spectator areas do not have seating but give a great view of the runners in areas that feature several sections of the course at once. Please note that spectator areas are not covered.
Q: Do proceeds from the race benefit a local charity?
A: This event is hosted by the City of Bloomington Parks & Recreation Department, in partnership with Dust 2 Glory Fitness. As a department within the City of Bloomington, we aim to make programs and events affordable for residents to participate and desire to be fiscally responsible. Therefore, we do not intend to make a profit from the event, but rather cover the cost of supplies, labor and materials with registration fees. If there was any additional revenue from this event, we’ll deposit it into our scholarship fund which is utilized by many families in our community to help reduced the cost of summer day camp, after school sports or programs of their choice. Scholarships are granted to families in need for these types of programs, which helps provide a safe, fun environment for school aged children. Our department also utilizes grants to help reduce the cost of community events just like this one and provides lots of free events and activities in the community to families.
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