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Get to the Green

Sat March 15, 2025 Columbia, SC 29204 US Directions

Race / Packet Pickup

Kick-off the St. Pat’s in Five Points Festival with Columbia’s largest road race.
Get to the Green features 5K, 10K and 1-Mile Family Fun Run events where participants chase rainbows in pursuit of a pot of gold. Registration includes entry into the St. Pat’s Festival, a shirt, custom finisher’s medal, and post-race refreshments 5K AND 10K AWARDS
Awards will be given to the Overall Winners in the following categories:
Top 3 Males  |  Top 3 Females  |  Top 3 Master Males  |  Top 3 Master Females

Awards will be given to the Top Three Males and Females in the following age groups:
 75+ | 70-74  |  65-69  |  60-64  |  55-59  |  50-54  |  45-49  |  40-44  |  35-39
 30-34  |  25-29  |  20-24  |  15-19  |  11-14  |  10 and Under

Kids 12 and Under: Register for $25
No festival entry/wristband included. Kids 12 & under do not need a ticket to enter the festival.
Good ONLY for In-Person 5K, 10K & 1-Mile Family Fun Run.


Packet Pickup Location (Thursday & Friday): 
Strictly Running | 2515 Devine St, Columbia, SC 29205
Race day packet pickup will be at the start/finish line

Packet Pickup Times
Thursday : 12PM - 6PM
Friday: 10AM - 6PM
Saturday: 6AM - 7:00AM


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