Join the Hilton Head Half & Quarter Marathon and 5K - now with a virtual race option! Run anytime, anywhere, at your own pace. We'll send you the same fantastic runner's kit, including race shirt, race bib, and a finisher's medal, straight to your doorstep. Don't wait - sign up today!

How Does This Work?
- Sign up for the Virtual Event - does'nt matter what distance - its all the same price!
- We'll send you the same race swag as if you were here - race number, race shirt, & finishers medal.
- Get out there and run or walk (or wiggle or jiggle) your distance - half marathon, quarter marathon, or 5K - just get it done between October 26 and November 9.
- Upload your results on the Results Page
- Download your finisher certificate on the same page - and, pin it to your fridge !
- Upload your Photos here.
- Post those badass photos to social media and tag us #hhhalfmarathon #runhhi #weruntheisland #hiltonheadrunningcompany